When you feel like nobody will help you when you're clearly crying and begging for it. When you feel like you're all alone. When you feel like you're literally the worst person on earth. When you can't stop crying. When no one understands. Sometimes I literally want to scream because I just can't get it out. Even if someone listens I can never express the way I want to. I've tried therapists and medicines. I am at a very VERY low point. While I'm not suicidal or on hard drugs, I can totally see how someone would get to that point. I feel like everything is for nothing. I feel like I'll never be calm in my body and I feel like no one will ever want to be associated with me ina. Friendly or romantic way because I'm too emotional or too unstable. Or they just don't care to listen.
I'm sorry, I'm literally just sitting in a park crying and venting.