Good Morning:
I feel like I've been through, or am going through, most of what everyone here is dealing with. Since I'm new to the group I'll give you a short rundown of my life, and how mental illness has affected my world. First, my marriage went through the empty nest syndrome. My husband told me that he didn't want to be married anymore - we divorced. Same year, (15 years ago), the one person in my life that I was the closest to, my Dad, committed suicide. It was a Burney Maydolf (sp) situation and he lost everything. Suddenly, I felt totally alone (at 40 yrs old). I moved on, fell in security (different from love) and we moved to another state for his job (FL). Meanwhile, I'm leaving my two grown and terrific children.......basically everyone I knew, behind. Then around 5 years later my daughter told me "OVER THE PHONE" that my ex-husband had "talked her into having relations for the three years prior to her going off to college. Well, that was it..... nervous breakdown (while on depression meds). I just couldn't understand how I didn't see anything different or any signs. I just went to bed and thought about my life, over and over ... and cried uncontrollably. My husband took me in to see my shrink for help. There were no beds available in this whole city, so I went home with a boat load of sedatives. I resigned from my job and started drinking - a lot. For five years I snuck around the house hiding vodka and promptly started drinking from the hidden bottles (at 3:00pm) until my husband came home from work at 5:30 , the I switched to wine with dinner. At a regular exam (that our health insurance insist on, my liver count was 10 times higher than it should be. I haven't had a drink since. DT's were nothing compared to what I was accustomed to; mixing vodka and pain pills together. ..............
Skip forward to today. I'm pretty much a shut in. I have been home (VA) twice in 15 years just to hear that it is all in my head (no pun intended). No one has ever been inside our house except for workers in 15 yrs. My daughter of 37 is a charge nurse for an NICU in VA and acts like she is my mother. My son ignores mental illness period (most people do - including my husband and his family). My doctor has changed my medication so many times, I had to call the pharmacy to get the list. I am now taking Luvox, Alprazalam ER, Wellbutrin (for the OCD I hadn't mentioned above) and clonazepam. I still don't feel any different than I did 15 years ago. The only changes are the side effects associated with changing medications. We don't travel anymore, haven't eaten in a restaurant in 2 years, we don't have any friends, our marital relationship is like having a roommate that rarely talks.
I don't know what love feels like anymore. Maybe you can die of a broken heart.
Oh yeah, the girl/lady that started the semicolon project after her father committed suicide, took her own life a few weeks ago.