Hi, name's Rebekah I'm new here I don't know if I actually have anxiety naturally but I've had a life long history with very bad decisions in my life that have eventually lead to my more or less "behavioral issues", OCD, depression, "social anxiety" Etc ~
So yeah, my life didn't start out bad or anything, but again, my poor decisions in life is what lead to my eventual down fall. And anyway, I don't see that there's any way out.
Heck, even allot of my life issues/problems and circumstances seem to, in a way overtake the good decisions in my life right now. I want help and people are so intolerant at times. If I were them I'd have no patience for myself either. Anywho, I better not go on rambling...sometimes I do that............I feel as though I have the most problems on this website...like my problems make others problems seem smaller......like when others see my issues their likely thinking "wow, glad at least I'm not like her with her issues and circumstances "...that's pretty bad I know.
Advice or just somebody to be around would be somewhat helpful. Thanks and God bless.