Well not had a bad day but for the last hour ive had the burning hot sweats sensations im literally wet through with sweat and i cant seem to calm down this time i cant remember my anxiety being this bad ever at all.keep thinking somethings up and im gonna die i hate being like this help someone please
Cant stop shaking and burning up - Anxiety and Depre...
Cant stop shaking and burning up

Okay, you're very hot and sweaty. I know what you mean by miserably sweaty. What's the temp where you are?
Hi nat, I'm glad to hear that you have had a good day today. Please calm down and breathe. You are not alone, we are here for you. Do you think you could take a cool shower and put some light clothes on whilst you are burning up? If you haven't taken a calming medication yet, please do. It's awful that you are having such a bad attack right now. Tell me about your day, what you got up to, try to take your mind away from your anxiety. X
Ive had a good day my husband has stayed home with me i cant go work as i cant bring myself to face it yet ive hardly eaten and i just got this dread feeling in my tummy thats somethings wrong i cant shift it xx
That's great news that your hubby has been home with you today nat. You have had some company. Did you guys get up to anything nice? Don't panic about going to work just now, just concentrate on your breathing. Take slow deep breaths and listen to them. TRy to block out your thoughts, your feelings and just breathe. Don't worry about eating right now either you can eat when you are feeling better. Is your husband there with you now? Xx
Yes babes he's calming me down like always bless him I'm still trying to complete calm down I will eventually but it's just wen it's there it's evil xxx
Maybe refresh your self, some cold on your face may help
How's your breathing now? Did you take any calming medicine?
Good, and your breathing is going well.
Hi nat, hope you have had a great day today. X
Hi babes went to docs he upped my meds from 75mg to 300mg so hopefully they should lift me up abit wasnt 2 bad just my thoughts were tryingto take over and i blocked it out xx how was ur dayxx
There is a very helpful book called "Stopping the Noise in Your Head" you might want to try.