goodmorning/afternoon to some .. - Anxiety and Depre...

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goodmorning/afternoon to some ..

3 Replies

my name is kiara , i am 27 & i need some help .. i have no interest or passion to do things i once loved to do. i find myself alone majority of the time. i force myself to do daily activities. i have a 10 year old son & almost all the time i find myself apologizing to him for being snappy & yelling at him for the smallest things . i am very impatient with him always telling him to hurry up to do things (like get dressed for school , hurry clean your room take out the trash , hurry and shower ) i am always in a hurry for no reason even when i am eating. i am constantly worrying about things and folks i have no real control over . i constantly doubt my son's abilities to do things as well as my own . i am constantly thinking negative, for ex: men who try to get know me is just out to hurt me" . i am always beating myself up for not being perfect at things i attempt or i have attempted & failed at. i am always doing for others & trying to help others ; giving great advice , but can't seem to help myself . i have all these different thoughts , mixed emotions & mood swings & have no clue on how to really cope or deal with them . what are some steps or something i can do to help myself because i do not want to be this way .

3 Replies
BonnieSue profile image

1st step: Make an appointment with a good psychiatrist and tell him or her what you wrote here. 2nd step: make an app't. with a good counselor and tell him/her what you wrote here.

You describe your problem well right here. There's plenty to work with in this statement. You may well be depressed and anxious which is treatable by both of the professionals I named. If money is a problem, ask around for recommendations for good persons of each field who aren't expensive and for a church that has counselors working on their property who charge on a sliding scale based on your ability to pay. You don't have to belong to the church or believe in God.

The psychiatrist may start you on a medication, an antidepressant, and please listen to how long to wait for it to work so you can give it the correct time to work and not rush it. Often it takes 4-6 weeks to test a med fairly. You may get side effects in the early weeks that fade in the later weeks, so wait it out.

There's a good chance you will feel a whole lot better in a few months by doing this. It's definitely worth trying and I hope you take this pathway seriously. You can regain your love for life and your calmness and composure once you're on the right medicines. And you may not need the meds further down the road after you're feeling better for awhile. Best wishes to you!

spykey profile image

Hi Kiara

Sorry to hear you're going through a tough & what sounds like a rough time at the moment!

It seems like the first thing you need to do is go & see your Doctor & tell honestly how you are feeling & what has been happening, to see if they are able to offer you some sort of therapy or support, he may even offer some medication if he feels it is appropriate?!? He may discuss this with you!

None of us are perfect & I know that I beat myself up all the time for not being perfect in my life especially when looking for approval for doing something that is important to me & all I receive is criticism from family, friends & those who say they care! I've tried activities that I've failed at & it's knocked me for six! But somewhere in side of you is a strong Kiara fighting through each day! Fighting for you & your son, and you obviously want to achieve, & change things, but it seems that you have not yet quite found the right thing that is right for you!

Maybe if get to the Dr or get to see a counsellor, you may be able to get yourself in a better position to help yourself, look after you, and be there for you & your son who I'm sure you love ❤️ & care for very much &

Like you said you you are always doing things for others, and listening to other people & giving them advice! Maybe when you have been to the Dr & got some support for you, things may change with the relationship between you & your son will change! And you may be able to explain to your son what has been going on for you, & why everything had to happen so fast & why you said you had been rushing him & shouting at him!

Try to take a day at a time, start with doing little things, small changes for yourself! Try to be nice to yourself! Take a nice Big deep breath and try spending 5 minutes sometime after school asking your son about how he's doing at school, or whay he has done that day at school!

Starting with little things first, can have positive effect as you face your future a day at a time!!

Sending you Good Luck & Best & Positive wishes!

Take Care 🤗


Shaldi24 profile image

You sound exactly like me and this may sound weird but it helps to know someone else deals with this daily because i felt so alone ashamed to tell anyone. I hope you get the help you need and please keep us posted on how you are.

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