In your opinion, how is the best way ... - Andover Fibromyal...
In your opinion, how is the best way to raise awareness daily?
Please select all that apply:
Documentary on National TV, discussion on programmes such as Breakfast TV, Good Morning Britain, Loose Women etc
I agree with maggi999 but seriously what do we want to achieve by more public knowledge of our condition ?
I would like to think that a medical genius would be seeing our plight and begin to find medication that would improve our lives.
A specialist to see , someone who only deals with fibromyalgia so they would know everything and would make sure you get the best care, not just "well let's try this and see attitude"
for government to support anyone whose life is affected that much that they cannot work but cannot afford to leave. .without all the stress this causes. Many posts on websites would put some off looking for government support.
It's true fibromyalgia doesn't kill you but i have realised that it affects some people that bad they barely manage day to day life. Let's make it a recognised illness and not have to explain to everyone what we are suffering from.