Do you know whether you were ever tes... - Andover Fibromyal...

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Do you know whether you were ever tested for Lymes disease before a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and/or ME?

Admin_AFMCG profile imageAdmin_AFMCGPartner39 Voters

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5 Replies
Courtjack1 profile image

Its not letting me send my reply

Courtjack1 profile image

Never tested for lymes .

Debbs73 profile image


lifexperience profile image

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalia with no blood tests. They pressed the pressure points and counted how many times I said ow. I actually went to the GP with problems with my knee. Which later turned out to be a muscle problem, not Fibro related. I was also told My Tenosyvitis was Fibro. I can't say I am impressed with that GP.

TheAuthor profile image

I really do not know? At the time it was not something that I had thought of? I already had a diagnosis of Osteoarthritis and I presumed my pain was as a result of this until I started getting it in places that I would not usually have. Very good poll, thank you