Did anyone else read it? Thought it was a persuasive article.
Aspirin article I. Yesterday's daily ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Aspirin article I. Yesterday's daily mail
This is pretty much what we have been saying for some time. Watch this space! If FDA say don't use it how far behind are we in UK?
I read it and was impressed by the argument. I had always taken aspirin for headaches and thought that my stomach would tolerate anything. Two months on those tiddly 75 aspirin upset me badly. I know 2 people who were similarly afflicted. By contrast, warfarin has been a doddle.
I was on aspirin for 8 years, never had a problem though I bruised more easily than when I was on warfarin. My GP told me I could take aspirin on alternate days if I found I bruised too easily! I've lost count of the number of times aspirin has gone in and out of favour over the years. I thought the article gave a good explanation, especially considering it was the Mail!