As infection could transfer to heart or lungs. Have to wait for another date for my ablation.
Totally gutted, after psyching myself... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Totally gutted, after psyching myself up, the anaesthetist refused to do it due to my having a cold, said it would be too dangerous
My sentiment too
Oh no! HOW long will you have to wait for?
Don't know, they could have done me in a couple of weeks but I will be away on holiday so looks like later in the year. So will still be toting flecainide for a while longer.
Oh Suzie - What a let down for you, but then it's better to be safe than sorry. Are you well enough to go on holiday?
A friend of mine had his operation cancelled on the day because his BP was too high. They kept him waiting from 7 am to 12 noon before they told him. Then he had to have the BP treated before they would put him back on the waiting list.
I had a cold when I had my cardioversion but nobody seemed to notice, though that was only a very light anaesthetic.
Hope you won't have to wait too long Suzie.
Thank you, me too
Oh rats... What a let down! I hope you get a new date soon Suzie!
sorry to hear this but as you said- safe course of action!
Oh my, well at least the vacation will be the consolation prize. I am soooo sorry. You'll gear up for it again... it is "what we do". Courage...
Oh sorry to here this SuzieA, so disappointing for you, I hope you get a new date soon. x
Oh Hard Luck. Amazing how different people have different experiences. I had a very sore throat the day before mine was due and on the morning so I thought I would be refered, but no! They took swabs of my throat, sent to lab, results came back and said it was ok to go ahead. I wasn't sneezing or had runny nose though and I wasn't having a GA.
Better to be safe than sorry, hope you feel better and get a new date soon. Have a good holiday.
Thank you everyone for your responses.
I know just how you feel!! Hospital called me to see if I was able to come in to get my ablation done last March. I was currently suffering from a chest infection at the time, being treated with anti-biotics, so they decided it would not be safe for me to undergo the procedure. It was such a disappointment at the time but it is good to realise they will not take unreasonable risks when treating you!! Hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer. I had my procedure done within 3 weeks of the first phone call.
Best of luck, Mallet-head