I have my ablation planed for Wednesday at Oxford and although feeling nervous (but received great support from you guys) I am sort of looking forward to it. However, my reason for posting is that for the past 5 days or more my heart rate has been high 90 - 100 I would guess but to be honest I am not experiencing any discomfort of AF. Has anyone experiencing this and does this mean I am in permanent AF. Hoping this will not affect Wednesday.
Ablation on Wednesday : I have my... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ablation on Wednesday

Is you rate regular or irregular? AF is ALWAYS irregular. If it is high and regular it is something else. Good luck on Wednesday and I expect it is worry and excitement doing whatever it is.
Good luck Steve, I'm sure it will all go well
Hope all goes well Steve. Make sure you report back, when you can, to let us know how it went.
Hi Steve -- all the best for Wed . I expect it is just nervous excitement raising your heart rate. I conveniently went into fast AF / flutter on the morning of my 3rd ablation before i left for the hospital, probably helped along with nerves.

Hi Yatsura thank you for the support
Hello Yatsura,
I just noticed your post, and that you've had three ablations.
I had my first AF experience, Jan this year. With three visits to hospital for cardio versions to date.
Now on a truck load of pills, and looking to ablation(s) as an alternative treatment.
Can I ask you to share your comments and my local cardiologist was not too excited about ablations in general?
Many thanks,
Hello Martin - sorry for delay in replying. First , are you seeing an EP (Electrophysiologist ie cardiologist specialising in treating arrhythmias ) as opposed to cardiologist ? You will see this properly explained in the FAQ's on this site. You will need to see an EP & can ask your cardio to refer you.
If you want or need to go down the ablation route the current feeling is ' the sooner the better' as AF begets AF.
I'm afraid I'm not the best example of success with ablations, not helped by the fact that my condition was 1st diagnosed 21 years ago ( at 48 ) when ablations were in their infancy . Of course they are improving all the time as new techniques evolve. So, briefly I had my ablations in 2009, 2011 & 2013. I have had very thorough ablation & isolation of the pulmonary veins & it is unclear while I am still getting AF & A/flutter. Saw my EP today & am now going back on
a drug which I took for 12 years up to 2008 ( only 3 cardioversions in that time ) when it became unavailable It is now back on the scene -- Disopyramide . I am very hopeful that this will work again.
If I am completely honest, ablation did not work for me & Ihave had more problems since i had them. This , though, is unusual judging by other forumites. So really I am back where I started
with an awful lot of trauma in between but there we are. Life goes on -- could be worse.
My advice would be , research & go into with your eyes open . The procedure itself is not as bad as it sounds - the thought of it is the most worrying. Make sure you go to a centre which carries out alot of procedures. Which area are you in?
I seem to have rambled on quite a bit - hope it's not TMI!
Hi Sandra,
Thank you so much for your reply and honest advice.
At present, I am in Wales, but planning on moving back to London for this treatment. At this moment I am not speaking with an EP – can you recommend someone in London?
To be honest, these drugs I am taking are killing me, (completely in a state of fog) so I would agree that going down the ablation route is the best call.
My heart goes out to you, just thinking of 21 years of AF episodes. Best of luck for the future I will keep the forum posted on activities and results.
Hi Martin ... I had my first ablation at The Heart Hospital in London .under Dr Rowland. I consider that I had first class treatment and a short waiting list. My husband was able to stay in a room at the hospital for two nights. You will find that Professor Richard Schilling is widely regarded as the top man in the field.He is at Bart's and privately at London Bridge. Also highly regarded is Dr Sabine Ernst at the Royal Brompton . Hope this is of some help. Sandra
Hi again Sandra,
This info is so valuable - thank you so much. Probably, my next question is how long does one normally have to wait until you have an operation?
Thank you Sandra.
Martin Nolan
Hi Martin, waiting lists do seem to vary considerably around the country but I understand you will get the shortest times with the London centres. My first appt in London was actually just 6 weeks ,unbelievably.My next two were with the same EP in Brighton where they try to adhere
Sorry pressed wrong button on my tablet, back to PC. They try to adhere to 18week rule with understandable difficulty. However I had my 2nd after 18 week wait & was on urgent list for 3rd so just afew weeks. Some people on this forum have waited for many months. London is your best bet. Sandra
Morning Sandra,
Thank you for the update. Yes, that is exactly why I'm returning to London. Here in Wales, things are just too far down the road, as I want to sort this problem out sooner than later. You have a great day and will keep everyone updated accordingly.

Hi Martin
I am under Dr Ernst and think her waiting list is approx 3 months. Her complication rate figures were very low when I asked her
best wishes
Hi Rose,
Thank you for your reply. Is Dr Ernst in London? Have you had your ablation yet?
This forum is a god-send. I've learned so much in just a few days. I will keep the forum updated as things transpire.
Thanks a million.

Hi Martin,
Yes she works at the Royal Brompton.
I haven't had ablation yet as my symptoms don't yet merit it but I was very impressed with her low complication rates and the fact that she was happy to wait until I feel ready.I have a low resting pulse so most meds are ruled out.
They have a new DPSECT heart scanner ( only 3 in the country) and I will get the results from the scan I had from this later this month and get some final advice from her.
You will have seen from the replies above that not all ablations work - and there are serious risks involved, and that you can have AF or other irregular heart beats after ablation so you need to be sure there is no alternative and that your symptoms are affecting you enough to feel this is the only route for you
Has your cardiologist looked at alternative medication for you too?
Hope you manage to decide on the best course for you
best wishes
I agree with Yatsura. The first one is such an unknown! You've heard from all of us who have been through the ablation process... it is so much easier than what we fear! Try to get some down time prior, I stayed so busy that I was exhausted coming out of it. All that said, for some of us, the down time is when it hits us the most! (Vagal AF). In any case, you are on your way, and that is a positive facture in your future: Keep us posted, all the best for Wednesday.
Morning Steve, you must be feeling excited and nervous in equal measure, I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday.... My ablation is Thursday... Please let us know how you get on... Good Luck
Hi MammaCass thanks and you a spot on. Good luck to you also for Thursday. Were are you having yours?
Hi Steve, Bristol Heart Institute, so Its close to home
Mine is on Oxford about an hours drive
Will be thinking of you and awaiting your match report.x
hi Mamma Cass and Steve
Very best wishes to you both for your ablations this week- do let us know how you get one,
All the best for Wednesday and Thursday. Ablation is not an unpleasant thing to undergo and everyone will gain knowledge about your heart and its quirks - if it has any. What you get to see in the lab is fascinating, so your sense of anticipation, Steve, is well founded. Hope it goes really well for you both and you find yourselves very much improved when it's over. We look forward to hearing from you later.
thinking of you for tomorrow..... rest in curiousity..... makes it more interesting!
How are you doing? Hope things are smooth sailing!