My husband has been on Nubeqa for 3 1/2 years now. His PSA is rising again, so MO has ordered another PSMA scan and also did a Guardant 360 liquid biopsy blood test, to hopefully find out what's going on. MO said if something shows up on his scan, he will probably start him on Olaparib (Lynparza) and STOP the Nubeqa (hubby is BRCA2 positive).
My question is why MO will drop Nubeqa, since it's a drug that is different than the PARP inhibitor? I've read some posts on here of men taking them both. Hubby has no prostate, had an orchiectomy 6 yrs ago and radiation after prostate removal 10 yrs. ago and again 1 yr ago for an area near his lung that showed up on PSMA (no chemo yet). Don't want him to take any drugs he doesn't need, but don't want to stop something that could still help.
Have or are you, taking these two drugs together??
Thanks in advance!! 😊