My dad (72) was diagnosed in 02/24 with multiple bone mets, Gleason 9 an initial PSA of around 4000. He had triplet therapy with Docetaxel, Lupron and Nubeqa. His nadir was 26.1 in September 2024. His PSMA in November 2024 showed moderate to high activity in his prostate and in one area on his spine. Since September his PSA began to rise up to 31 in the end of November and up to 47 on the 8th January. At the same time his ALP and LDH are constantly sinking. ALP is now at 70, was at a 800 at the beginning of his journey. He is fit, loves life, has absolutely no bone pain (without any medication beside Xgeva) and loves to eat. His Testosterone is at 0.29 ng/ml.
His docs will recommend switching to Xtandi or Abirateron. What do you guys think? Thank you very much!