Recently experiencing moderately severe hand pain (trigger finger). MO says it’s from the ADT injection. I’m currently taking Eligard and on Erleada. Prescribed a prednisone pack and suggested tart cherry juice and glucosamine could help. Any other warriors dealing with this? Good news is that PSA is down to .1 and I remain castrate sensitive entering eighth month of doublet therapy.
Hand Pain: Recently experiencing... - Advanced Prostate...
Hand Pain

Hi Luka, I have the same but in every finger (as well as aching in most joints). It feels how I'd imagine arthritis to feel. My onco suggested magnesium citrate. I've been taking it for about a week now but no benefit yet. Maybe it'll take a few weeks to get my levels up. I'm also told gummies might help but I've never done that kind of thing before and wouldn't know where to start.
I had Trigger Finger on two fingers left hand and Thumb on Right Hand. I had it for about 3 or 4 months I think (2021 ) while on Lupron. It stopped me going to the gym and cycling, it really messed me up. I used to put those cloth type band aids ( for strength) on the knuckles to stop me opening my hands ( fingers ) on waking in the morning. Prior to using the band aids in the mornings I'd spontaenously use my hands and the pain !!!! I did not recieve any medication for the condition,I declined cortesone injections. I did have x-rays and ultrasound which diagnosed it.
yes I’ve had / I have that problem . Trigger finger, wrist , all fingers, literally every bone in my body. Lupron - Xtandi. I’m prescribed opiates for those pains. Starting my 7th year on the 20th past and still in there in the game. Still going energizer bunny. lol
Hi Luka,I am not a doctor and you should check with your doctor but I learned from others here about DMSO that you run on to your painful area. I have severe finger, wrist and thumb pain and I only have to use this one every couple of months to help the pain. I thought I'd forever have to live with this pain. I just thought I'd pass it on.
Another helpful one that a friend of mine was prescribed is Diclofenac Sodium Typical Gel.
Good wishes,
Please excuse my ignorance but what is "DMSO". I am having the same hand problem and looking for something to help. Thanks
Trigger finger? See a rheumatologist. I can’t see any obvious relation to your therapy and cherry juice and glucosamine will do nothing.
I agree but having had a couple of friends who got PCa in the past (hence my regular PSA tests from 55 could my G9 early at 69) they had trigger finger and hand joint issues when on ADT - I now have trigger finger and some other fingers painful ! Cant see the logic other than exacerbating a sb clinical problem due to adt and effects on bone mass ?!!!
The problem is that the symptoms you describe are common in the general population as one gets older. So one cannot assume that there is necessarily a direct causative relationship with the PCa therapy .
As far as I am aware no one has looked at prevalence of various musculoskeletal problems in PCa patients compared with age matched normal males.
Seeing reports here results in observational bias.
indeed - of course I can say that 2 of my fr is ends who had low risk and stopped adt after 6 months in one case and 3 years in the other with g9 and both after 1-2 years the trigger finger and hand aching went both me in their 50s with no previous hand pain
Again anecdotal and scientifically meaningless but does make me wonder! Of course I am current off adt for time being … 6 months now and still no improvement!
Yup. I have that for the last 6 months. Decided it was arthritis but it was a guess. What's the solution? Just read other comments. I'm on Oxycodone for the cancer pain, could it be a side effect? Also on Zopiclone so I can sleep through the pain at night. Any insights appreciated.
While I was on Orgovyx (6 months) I periodically got hand cramps where my finger(s) would lock into a tightened position and hurt tremendously. These went away once I was finished with the ADT.
I’ve been suffering from trigger fingers on both hands hadcarpal tunnelSurgery are on right wrist and probably need surgery on the left hand …..must had 12 Cortizone injections ….also have deQuiervans disease in both wrists tunnel leading into thumbs 3 injections there too……. I didn’t get treatment yet.
As a retired hand surgeon who during his career saw many men with prostate cancer, I personally saw no correlation between prostate cancer treatment and trigger finger and know of no published correlation. Aromatase inhibitors used in breast cancer treatment do have this association and this has been published in the hand surgery literature. Your age group (of which I am a member) alone is a risk factor for trigger finger as is diabetes.
Treatment that has proven efficacy is steroid injection (markedly less effective in diabetic patients) and surgery which can be done with local alone (a procedure I have done I suspect 2 or 3 thousand times as well as had myself).
THANK YOU DOC. (and best wishes from all of us).
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
I'm having the same problem. Lupron/Zytiga, two years since stage 4 and ADT. For some reason, it is getting worse lately. I'm 60.
this is not a suggestion just a fact to consider. I have 3 herniated discs and two compression fractures and Psa of 5664 2 and a half years ago when I started treatment at which time I was in horrible pain. I take abiraterone and Lupron and am pretty much pain free. I hunt which requires getting the deer out that I shoot and fish which requires me to place a 52# battery in my boat. Now, I take 400 mg magnesium, 2800mg of curcumin and 400 mg of celecoxib daily.
I'm not sure of the association between trigger finger and dupuytren's contracture. I remember a post from Patrick years ago that suggested that an iodine supplement helped him with what seemed to be the onset of dupuytrens. After reading that I started taking iodoral 12.5 mg for a related condition ... and it worked.
Hi Luka,
Developed 'trigger finger' in both hands after my fourth ADT shot in August. Questioned my RO and MO if there was any connecto n between trigger finger and my medications. They both felt there wasn't and was as told to see a hand surgeon and schedule occupational therapy in the meantime.
When I told my niece, who has advanced degrees in pharmacology, she sent this link The forum discusses the topic in more detail.
BTW thankfully, my doctors have told me I no longer need ADT (at the moment). Great news. My RO suggested my trigger finger issues might now abate. We'll see.
Take care
Just adding my anecdotal to the mix.
After 6 chemo infusions and being on Lupron only I developed trigger fingers, pain in joints about a year into Lupron.. I tried various things briefly and it persisted for maybe a year or so. It went away on its own about 3 or so years ago while I continued and continue Lupron.
I thought about this the other day. Why did it occur and why did it resolve.
Luka… I’m not discounting what you said by any means, but it could be arthritis as well. Just a thought. I hope you can get off the ADT meds soon as well! Keep fighting the fight and stay safe !