I was told it was my arthritis. Not too sure after reading your posts. Pain started after taking Bicalutamide and never went away. Hands fall asleep often.
How many of you have Shoulder, elbow,... - Advanced Prostate...
How many of you have Shoulder, elbow,and hand pain?

None of those are common side effects of Casodex. They are the perils of getting older (arthritis, poor circulation).
Yes they tell me it’s arthritis,but in talking to the doctor most of it is a byproduct of the meds drying out the tendons. DO said to use glucosamine, it has helped with some of it, I also use Celebrex for old back injury’s.
Gabapentin works great for my dad. 50mg per day and it’s eliminated all of pain meds.
Have you been prescribed fluoroquinolones and or been injected with them? particularly Cipro and Levaquin. Look at the info the link below takes you too. You should find warnings by the FDA on the same page.
FACT CHECK: Could Cipro and Other Fluoroquinolone ...
I was very athletic and powerful. In years past I had injuries, wear and tear, back ligament or tendon, both shoulders, right triceps and right hip all of which had healed nicely. No one including myself would have ever known I had been injured. My work out weight in the bench was over 250, deadlifts 350, overhead presses 165 and curls 135. At a body weight of 210 standing 5' 6" I did full range dips with a 45 lb. plate on a dip belt to keep the reps down to 12. I put a 25 lb. plate on the belt to keep the reps for pullups and chin-ups below 12.
I went through the 12 core biopsy, a 27 core biopsy and an ablation procedure. Six days after the ablation I was prescribed a course of, I believe, Levaquin orally.
Many months later the first injury came back. My right triceps. That was followed by the hip injury. Next as I had just unracked my warm up weight for benching, I hadn't even begun to lower it, my right shoulder audibly shredded. That was in August. These were all old injuries that had come back. My chiropractor was giving me ultrasound treatments. I, having had these injuries before am knowledgeable about therapy and nutrition to heal joint, ligament and tendon injuries. I told my chiropractor about the Cipro and Levaquin and wondered why it hadn't gone for my Achilles tendons. She said that she had seen this before where the fluoroquinolones often go for the weakest parts, old injuries. I called my urologist and reported that my chiropractor felt I was having a reaction to the fluoroquinolones. Why were all my old injuries returning within a few months time? Four months later with a painful, now functional, but limited in range and weak shoulder I had a follow up, post ablation biopsy. My PSA had been stable. Two 500 mg Cipro the day before, day of and day after and a large, intramuscular shot of Levaquin just prior to the biopsy. The healing progress for my shoulder regressed. My triceps had been okay--my hip has never stopped with nagging pains, enough to remind me as it is today. About two months after the biopsy a back injury came back as I was getting out of bed. That injury happened in December 1988 and had been long healed. It is a ligament or tendon. Trying to find a position to sleep in for more than an hour was impossible. Two years after the "follow up biopsy" I tell my urologist at his office that I do not want another biopsy, that I can't take any more damage from fluoroquinolones. I haven't been prescribed the normal course of day before, day of and after. He tells me that he won't use Cipro. That he will use Levaquin and it will be okay. I finally relent and I prepare for the biopsy. I am given a large intramuscular shot of Levaquin. Several months later my LEFT shoulder falls apart from old injuries. Movement is painful. I give up exercise as I just can't. I couldn't even hold a 25 lb. dumbbell in my left hand to do curls because of the pain in my shoulder warning me of impending damage. What a shame! My right shoulder had just reached a point where I was able to do moderate workouts using half of the weight I had previously used. Today, I was able to use 125 lbs. benching. It is only on the last few of the 8 reps a set I do that I can come close to letting the bar all the down. The pain in my left shoulder prevents that. Both shoulders are noisy which means I may have healed as much as I can expect--or am still healing--I hope. Imagine that--one day benching in the mid 300 lb. range raw and the fluoroquinolones destroying me and my hopes of a personal training business. I am hopeful for more recovery. I am able to curl 90 lbs. on bars for reps without pain now. I have lost many years when there isn't much life in front of me. A neighbor upon seeing me recently asked how I felt. She mentioned that I had been jacked and had lost a lot of weight, a lot of muscle. I told her about the fluoroquinolones. Neighbors have been in my house and watched me bench in the mid 300's and overhead press 165 for reps after a hard day taking down a large tree with a bow saw!! I did the climbing and cutting! I started at the top and worked my way down. That was in the year I had the ablation. By the way--I use Olympic bars and a rack. Machines and equipment such as Hammer Strength are not the same. Poundage is different, is easier, when using machines.
I thoroughly understand the concerns about sepsis during biopsies and other procedures. There must be perhaps a combination of drugs that do not damage us. I am just now able to sleep for several hours at a time.
Concur with all... fluoroquinolones are dangerous and will attack tendons/ligaments. I had a biopsy in December and took 5 days of Levaquin. I tried to do my usual run on the third day, and had to stop due to extreme lower calf pain on the right side. I assume this drug was attacking my Achilles tendon where it inserts to the calf. The next week, same thing happened on my left side. After 6 weeks, things seem to be back to normal. These drugs are dangerous, be careful, and listen to your body and moderate exercise when taking fluoroquinolones.
WOW....Quite a story (life). Sorry about your pain and especially your lack of a good sleep. Hopefully all this "stuff" will pass soon and you can get back to enjoying life.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Thursday 07/12/2018 2:32 PM EDT
Well guys, I did not have these pains until I started on Lupron. Got my doc to finally admit it is part of the side effects. Five years into this treatment and NO the pains do not subside. Still I am still here, keep up the fight.
Yes GoEZ, i have those symptoms & more, This brain fog i can add to your list & man boobs, now they put me on duramine to loose weight,thinking the t is hiding in fat tissue.
Two hours sleep a night because of head ache as the drugs do not work together. If this is just getting old,bring it on i say!
One more thing,regular trips to the dentist with broken teeth.
Keep on Keeping on!
Rage on!!!!
Myofascial release therapy helps some people with shoulder pain. Non-invasive, no side effects, but can be time-consuming and insurance probably will not cover.
Update: I went on Zytiga (Abiraterone acetate) about 6 months ago. After the first week the pain in my shoulders lessened. After 3weeks the pain in my shoulders was gone. in fact many of the side effects have also gone away. I have more energy and feel a lot better now. Thanks for all the advise.
Not limited to this site, I seach sites to justify (if you will) all the inexplicable aches, pains and effects that my Urologist or Oncoligist deny as being part of their individual treatment (no, that not us..... nope not me!!)!! I found alot of people with questions like yours and mine and find it impossible to believe that our / their complaints have nothing to do with the Radiation and poison we are taking. You know, the ones that are saving our lives. My hips (mostly left) were the first to make me complain to my Url, Oncl and then my PCP who diagnosed it as Arthritis of course!! Gave me a topical cream to apply......nothing, no relief!!!!! I am sure that if I had that xray prior to my having pain, it would have shown the exact same inflammation!!! And yes, my other joints are now causing me pain and range of motion sucks to the point of virtual immobility!! I take Napproxin when its really bad but try not to make it a habit!
I was inadvertently left on Bicalutamide for 6 months (5 months too long (long story)) but stopped 11/17 and I have had my last 3mo Eligard 11/18 or 1&1/2 months ago.
Now here is my theory: {I know, everyone has an A$$hole and everyone has an opinion, and most stink {but I digress!!}}. I also suffer from chronic and debilitating Lupron Brain Fog!!! I read that this is possibly caused by inflammation in the brain!! Theres that inflammation thing again!!!! I am hoping to find that once the drugs gets out of my system, the brain fog and these pains will subside!! I have read, and people have replied to my posts directly, that their brain fog symtoms did subside after time!!!
I want it sooooo bad and It so close I can touch it!! It’s driving me out of my freaking mind (what’s left of it)!!!!
In Closing: I have had the unfortunate pleasure of experiancing a host of side effects and ailments since my treatment began 18 months ago. I seem to find pleanty of people with identical complaints / observations! Coincidence, I don’t think so!!!
Good luck and keep asking questions!!! Me.....I’m writing a book “everything that they don’t tell you while saving your life”!!!! Just Kidding, but should I be able to look back at this ordeal, and call it a victory, I will stick around with my story for others to prevent them from the frustration I experienced getting answers!!!!
I get what you are saying. My last Doctor finally got tired of my whining and told me: We only have so many bullets to keep this monster away. You are running out of bullets. So we really have to make sure we need to use it. You need to find a way to live with it. The Doctors knows all about the side effects and can’t really do anything about it. So they all plead ignorant, just to keep us quite. Thanks
Metastatic bone pain cycles around all the time. Shoulder, (either), ribs, back, pelvis, hips, knee, shin, head, whatever.
use 4 different pain therapy to control.
what kind of pain do you have in you ribs. last week i did something stupid and hurt my ribs. all the pain has gone away but two things. i now have rib and back pain. the funny things is it only hurts when i sit down. the chair type does not matter. if i sit for more than 10 minutes it hurts. when i was in the ER the all blood work was good, x-ray showed no broken bones. the CT scan showed only two enlarged lymph nodes. do you have that kind of situation?
For what it is worth. latest update. The pain in my shoulders has gone away. Two weeks after starting Zitiga all pain in my shoulders has gone away. I hurt so bad I had trouble putting on my belt and couldn't left my arms above my shoulders. Now i can do jumping jacks (not a pretty picture site and very awkward). I do have arthritis and believe that the side effects pigged back on that problem. I read somewhere in this website that the meds dry up the ligaments. I believe that to be true.
I believe the lupron/ erleada has exascerbated the arthritis throughout my body especialy shoulders hands,and feet wich light up on scans....and i guess without biopsys cannot rule out mets...