New MO: castrate sensitive prostate cancer Dx'd 2005(gleason 3+4). FFWD to Feb 2022. Only on Abiraterone 250mg & 5mg Prednisone, but 12/15 PSA 0.156 then 2/14/22 PSA jumped to 0.300.
FFWD 2019: 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET 08/01/2019 showed local prostate gland recurrence, regional lymphadenopathy and possible bone mets. 1st start of Zytiga Dec 2019 only 250mg daily due to concerns (severe) of cardiac toxicity, due to multiple cardiac arrhythmia's.
Yes my PSA doubled from 0.156 Dec to 0.300 Feb 2022, yes I've been off Lupron since June 2021. Despite last dose of Lupron June last year, MO suspects I am spontaneously castrated and may not need more Lupron. Ok. My new MO made sure that I understand that stage IV diagnosis staging, my PCa is likely incurable but potentially treatable. I believe I already knew that.
What's next for DepotDoug? Will continue on Zytiga 250mg (because of cardiac issues) w/5mg prednisone. Monitor PSA's and Testosterone levels in three months or sooner if "clinical symptoms" rise. Will more than likely repeat PSMA -PET Scan and switch to Xtandi or Chemotherapy.
Yes, Doug(me) is being referred to Pallative Oncology (reasoning excessive anxiety, uncontrolled energy, worry) soon, waiting on scheduling call next week , unless I call first.
Yes, I was concerned, worried as to why I was referred from last MO to this new MO. Now I know the reason why. He is so conscientiously, meticulously concerned with my entire PCa care and treatment. Beside Parkview Cancer Institute, Ft. Wayne IN is affiliated with MD Anderson Network(Cancer Center).
Update for now. I was overwhelmed by the RN's, NP's Nurse navigators and even Pallative Care people that came to see me Thursday.