My office visit with my IU Health Simon Cancer MO is now history, or factual I'll say. Post 90 day Lupron#1 injection facts. 1] 1st mandatory blood labs. PSA is now 1.100ng/ml (10/17 PSA was 2.9) T-level down stuck at < 10ng/dL. 2] Yes, I'm tagged Metastatic & Stage 4 per my MO 3] 2nd 90 day Lupron inj injected 50hrs ago.
Plan forward? Yes, forward? Zytiga time. Dr A. my MO is sticking with administering Abiraterone Acetate 250mg 4tabs/day with Prednisone 10mg daily. He is stating that this is the most proven long term longer irradication method for my Metastatic Lymph node(pelvic and abdominal areas). i.e. Adrenal gland inhibitor drug targeted.
My problem is: 1] with my cardiovascular status, 8.5 years post SCA, but now extremely better, and still my AFIB prone rhythm heart.
Is 4 - 250mg Abiraterone tabs daily an avalanche ready to fall? 2] My cost for 120 tabs monthly of 250mg Abiraterone is $990.00 my cost. Insurance pays a whopping $2,100 of $3,300 monthly.
Or can I go with (1) 250mg Abiraterone tab daily. Which of these problems do I ignore or both??
Depotdoug (Doug)