Hi again! So my second post is about worse side effect: BRONJ - bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw.
My father was diagnosed (PSA 944) in April 17, 2017. With uncountable mets in bones and Gleason 9 (4+5). Immidiatly he started Casodex + Zometa 1 in 28 day.
А year later, the implants began to wobble. And only then my sister and I found out that he was doing them at all. He did not tell his dentist about the diagnosis at all, and even less did he tell about bisphosphonates !!! He felt that this information was not so important for the dentist.
Long story short ...
In April 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, a part of the bone augmentation with 2 implants fell out. The father went to the maxillofacial surgeon and he said that the process should be kept under control. But in June 2020, my father started having pains in his back and knees. The dog began to grow strongly and in August 2020 he started chemotherapy + Denosumab. A few hours after the first injection of Xgeva, he clearly felt better. Improved mood, appetite and at night he slept.
But after 3 days, his cheek swelled and a toothache began. The most interesting thing is that it was a completely different place. The implants fell out of the upper jaw. And the pain was in the lower jaw, where there were no teeth. A small piece of bone was exposed.The doctor prescribed antibiotics and no change in Xgeva shots. The antibiotic helped and the pain was gone. He had 4 cycle of Docetaxsel and 5 shots of Xgeva. Afther that there was change in treatment. Almost 2 month he waited for new tratment. And with Zytiga he had Xgeva shoot again in begining of December 2019. Pain in bones has gone, but just after New Year pain in jaw returned...
The jaw on the inside was even more exposed, but a new hole appeared on the outside in same place. There was no suppuration. The maxillofacial surgeon canceled Denosumab and told to have a CT scan of the jaws in a month.
And now when my father was about to do a CT scan, his jaw began to swell again and pain returned.
I understand that there is no cure, you have to wait for the necrotic bone to separate itself (but there is little chance of that) or wait for the right time for bone resection.
But if someone experience BRONJ how did it go? What time it took to heal? Did 't heal at all? What about Xgeva? Did you add some supplements something like "Bone restore" to make all this process go faster? Maybe hyperbaric oxygenation of the jaw?
So many post how to prevent this BRONJ but not so many how did it go after you have it...
p.s. sorry for long post