My dad 77 year old had been battling castration resistant prostate cancer for many years. He was in remission for awhile (unsure exactly how long as he was secretive about the whole thing) however it made a huge comeback in January of 2022 and he has been through a short stint of chemo as well as Apaludimine which worked well for about a year then stopped working and he moved on to Zytiga which did not work at all. It was possible that he would be eligible for radium 223 but his kidney function is severely impaired and he continues to have continual pain crises. We looked into Pluvicto but our family doctor and oncologist don’t seem to think that it would benefit him unless he gets more mobile and gets his pain under control.
He was mobile up until a week ago and that’s when his pain became uncontrollable, although he was not taking his opioids (he was many months without them - not needing them) and was being stubborn. He is now in hospice for pain control and is doing much better with a fentanyl patch and is eating again. He can mobilize to the bathroom Independently and is hopeful of getting home and restarting chemo - unfortunately we do not think that he is strong enough for chemo at this time.
His Mets are bony at this stage pretty much from his knees to his skull and jaw now on his most recent bone scan this last Friday. His PSA is doubling each week now that his medication is no longer working and has risen from 200 to 600 since December.
The goal is to keep him comfortable and happy, but I’m wondering what the end may look like at this stage and if anyone has any input. He has made some fierce comebacks and still has some fight left but I don’t think anyone wants him living the remainder of his days sick from treatments. Any advice is welcome. Thank you.