Failed Xtandi monotherapy after successful 15 months, failed Taxotere, failed Lupron immediately, failed Cabazitaxal.
Asked MO to prescribe Indomethacin, Niclosamide, Avodart and 150 mg Casodex daily. Nothing else as alleged so called SOC was not working, what the hell. 2 MO’s said no chance of Casodex doing anything good.
However had been trying to get into a LU 177/Keytruda trial at UCSF for now 6 months but continually saw can kicked down the road for a couple of reasons not worthy of discussing now. Could not go Xofigo,,,only good for skeletal, plus disqualifies for LU xxx However UCSF now tells me that second taxane disqualifies anyhow. What’s a man to do!
PSA was at 400 at time of prescription. PSADT time of 5 weeks, extensive lymph and skeletal Mets.
The day I began the above medications PSA at 600. Was taking only one capsule of 3 drugs, but 3 of Indomethacin. No other medications except Xgeva injection and Have cut back Indomethacin to one daily because of observed skin bruising. Known side effect
2 weeks later after first takin this combination, first PSA test came back at 151. 2 weeks later, 2nd test was at 136. MO is stunned, I am mildly surprised.
Now before someone tells me that my most recent PSA at 136, I must multiply by 2 to get 272 roughly, because proscar and Avodart are notorious for disguising actual PSA reading by 50 percent,,,I do not believe this applies for cancer tumor portion of PSA reading verses that thrown of by healthy non cancerous prostate cells. Nonetheless, given my PSADT of 5 weeks, I should have been at PSA 800 at 2nd PSA test, instead I am at 136 Third test next week
Perhaps someone can enlighten me on this. My local MO has no knowledge on this. I will be going to PCRI in a couple of weeks and will see DR. Lam at Prostate Oncology while there,,also may see Dr. Turner. I will ask them about this question and the rest of this experimental phenomenon and what I am seeing.
I have attempted to obtain Niclosamide,,,another possible RESETTING drug. However difficult to do so
I began this journey pretty much on my own as SOC has failed Have been advised by 2 MO’s to forgo PROVENGE,,,and as noted above Xofigo is out for now Fully realized that Zytiga would likely fail as Xtandi already had. Am negative on AR-V7 testing.
Have had Foundation One and Guardant 360 tests to no enlightenment within my genes as to success with targeted therapies.