Hi everyone,
I'm dealing with widespread metastatic PCa at 50 years old, diagnosed last Aug. I'm on Enzalutamide now (plus Lupron since Oct) but not responding very much after almost 3 months 😔. PSA still rising (84 last week, up from 72)... also... really feel like crap a lot of the time on this second-line hormone therapy (first two months weren't too bad) with brain fog, fatigue and anxiety.
I can pee slow but OK (maybe 50%) and without pain but my main issue is that my bladder retains most of what I drink during the day for some reason (why is this?) and then the nighttime is terribly disturbed with between 3 and 8 visits to toilets (well, I have glass jars next to my bed for convenience!).
Prof DeBono at the Royal Marsden in London (where I was referred to recently for a second opinion) wants me to have a TURP done so that they can get tissue samples (never had a biopsy cos I refused a year ago) to enable them to genetically sequence my disease to figure out if I am eligible for a particular PARP drug. I did post in the recent thread about TURP but no-one responded.
Considering seeing DR. Ettienne Callebout in London as the I need more root cause diagnostic work done. Anyone seen him?
Help very much appreciated!