Doxycycline & Vitamin C Treatment for... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Doxycycline & Vitamin C Treatment for Advanced Prostate Cancer

Roland632017 profile image
72 Replies

Hi I am a recent diagnosed prostate cancer patient. On 27.10.17 I have a right ureter blockage surgery and has a stent implanted. From my operation I have biopsy taken from right , left and ureter and all confirmed cancerous with Gleason score 4+5. Recent PSMA pet scan and CT and Bone Scan put my PCa at Stage 4 T3 N2 M3. I am 62 male and Asian. I am rejecting orthodox hormone therapy and chemotherapy. With the recent findings I am now treating myself with doxsig and vitamin c. Reason being I feel fine health wise although the medical reports contradict my wellness. I just started dosxsig and vitamin c to bowel tolerance.

I am surprised I only needed 15g/day with 2x100 mg doxsig. Currently I am feeling fine. No problem eating, no pain, can sleep and is working at reduced hours 3 days a week. Only discomfort is frequent urination and it affects my sleep. Like to know any empathy follwers as I think this treatment is been on clinical trial.

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Roland632017 profile image
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72 Replies
JamesAtlanta profile image

Welcome to our group - and sorry for the need to join. But we are all men with advanced prostate cancer.

I cannot answer your specific question about an empathy trial - I even ‘googled’ it, but found no reference. Perhaps someone has some knowledge of it.

But I would feel bad if I did not at least weigh in and tell you that I personally ignored what ended up being warning signs of PCa - particularly frequent urination. I was getting up 5 times a night and somehow thought this was just part of getting older. I had no knowledge of prostate cancer - what it was, what a PSA was, and the dangers of ignoring it. I had no other symptoms until I developed tremendous back pain that came on quite rapidly. I suffered a fracture of my T8 vertebra due to the cancer and could barely walk. When diagnosed with an MRI (no sign of cancer on an x-ray), I already had advanced disease and a PSA of 227 at age 53.

I don’t know your PSA score, but with a Gleason score of 9, you have a very aggressive cancer (mine is 4+4=8). And I’d strongly recommend you reconsider your treatment decision. Obviously neither myself or others on the forum are doctors, just well educated patients that learned out of necessity. But I do know that this disease can be successfully treated. ADT is core to first line treatment and extends life. While it has side effects, the best side effect is it can keep the disease in check - and extend your life. And when combined with other therapies that came out of the recent Stampede and Lattitude studies, this disease can potentially be treated for a long time - hopefully until they find a cure for us all.

Best of luck in your journey. I know it’s hard. I just wanted to offer you an alternative to consider. Many of us learned this lesson the hard way.

Best regards,


Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toJamesAtlanta

Hi James

Thanks for your thoughts. My PSA is 0.94 05/16 2.24 02/17 and after surgery 16.43 11/17 and I will be checking up again next couple of days. All this information is new to me. As I had mentioned I feel great solely for not taking up Bi Eligard medication prescribed by my urologist. I am also monitoring my PH level while doing this treatment. For more info you can google doxycycline and vitamin c cure for cancer, I am glad I have past the haemorrhage point if the vitamin dosage did not work. Looking forward to the next step in my journey.

George71 profile image
George71 in reply toRoland632017

Thanks for the info Ronald it looks very promising -- keep us posted on how it works -- did you see where it enhances radiation treatment.

George71 profile image
George71 in reply toRoland632017

have you considered Doxy plus vitamin C plus radiation and ADT/ zytiga

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toGeorge71

Hi George71

What you suggest sounds like intergrative cancer treatment which was been carried out fairly successful. Check on the net as this could be time consuming and expensive

George71 profile image
George71 in reply toRoland632017

yes, by combining the new discovery (doxycicline and Vitiman C) with the other treatments -- they may all be synergistic and able to kill it all. Doxy and vitiman C may be just the thing that does the trick - and really wipes the cancer out completely.

softwaremom00 profile image

One question, what is doxsig ?

Good Luck on your treatment plan. We are following an integrative route for our treatment of prostate cancer. My husbands cancer is small cell and it is aggressive. I am not sure there would have been enough time to follow a natural treatment plan. For our natural treatment, we use a lot of the suggestions listed here as well as the ones suggested by our nutritional doctor and we are implementing a lot of the suggestions in Square 1 program.( Would you consider getting an orchiectomy ? It might help your cancer and you would not need to take drugs. I understand not wanting to take drugs and do chemo.. some folks are more open to surgery. We did not get an orchiectomy. So far we have just had so much going on.

We are fighting hard with diet. I think this is important with a natural approach, we try hard to focus on reducing inflammation. There is a food sensitivity test that you can have done that will help you determine which foods you are sensitive to as these often are triggers for inflammation in ones body.

Detoxing is important for a natural remedy. Make sure you have some kind of detox method. The Square 1 folks do the coffee enema. My husband prefers doing an ozone sauna and rebounding.

Read the book Radical Remissions.. We have found it helpful on our journey and I think you will as well. She talks about different types of Radical Remissions.

If you ever want to trade cancer diet tips, I'd be happy to chat! Prayers and Hugs!


Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply tosoftwaremom00

Hi thanks for your comment. Please google doxycycline and vitamin c cure for prostate cancer. This is all new to me and body is telling me I should move forward with this treatment. I hope to have a better scan report in 2 months time ie if I am still alive. I had my urologist said I could die by then if Zi did not proceed with Bi Eligard medication on 17.11.17 appointment with him.

softwaremom00 profile image
softwaremom00 in reply toRoland632017


I did google it and it was a really interesting read. I look forward to hearing about your success with this.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply tosoftwaremom00

Thanks for bringing to my attention on Radical Remission. I have watched the u tube where Chris beat cancer interviewed the author. I sincerely hope I fit into all the healing criteria as I have yet to dig deeper by reading the book.

wifeofvet profile image

As the wife of a 69 yr old who was denied adequate treatment in the beginning of his cancer age 58...i am right now on death watch... his once robust and athletic body an actual skeleton. His healthcare giver insisted his rising PSA was prostatitis and sent him on one 3-week antibiotic treatment followed by a second 6-week course of antibiotics. during that time his PSA went from 12 to 77 with bone mets to the rib cage. six months prior his PSA went from 1 to 2....the sign his oncologist now holds sacrosanct.

You have ACTUAL evidence of your cancer and are ignoring it. Most men with this cancer WISH they had had evidence earlier.

when his oncologist talked to him about symptoms, in the beginning, he suggested the cancer was present probably two years before being diagnosed by biopsy. he never felt bad in any way nor had he ever had one physical clue that he had a cancer growing inside him. just because you feel fine doesn't mean doxy and C are working in any way. I have an awful feeling about the outcome of your treatment choices. i am a woman so i don't mind telling you so. we women can be like that.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply towifeofvet

Hi wife of vet

This is only my 2 nd day on the forum. I can understand your troubled past experiences. I am lucky I have a wife. When I SMS my recent PSMA and CT & Bone scan reports to her she did not think it was serious until I mentioned I am on Stage Iv advanced PCa and this is terminal. The reason is I feels like normal. So I am going to contradict you on this. Yesterday someone recommended Radical Remission book by Kelly Turner. It is interesting and I think if you are not aware you should investigate. I am past haemorrhage stage so I have to wait and see there is any cancer cell resistant Stage that I have to overcome. God willing I hope I will be around in 2 months. Even chemotherapy has big failure rates. That is for now.

wifeofvet profile image
wifeofvet in reply toRoland632017

my husband lived 13 years with a terminal diagnosis on standard therapy...just saying.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply towifeofvet

So how is your husband's condition now. Not knowing much I would gladly stay alive for half his journey time. This a a risky journey And I hope I will last firstly next 2 months. Only time will tell.

wifeofvet profile image
wifeofvet in reply toRoland632017

RIGHT NOW...he's dying...a mere skeleton of himself with a 3000+ PSA and no ''next'' treatment. but, until just three months ago, he was just fine. so, after diagnosis, he enjoyed 12 years of strong and active life...with a short bad spot just after casodex stopped working and abiraterone had not yet become FDA approved. that was around year 5. within three months he was back to his old self again, where he remained until he ran out of treatment options just three months ago.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply towifeofvet

Hi wife of vet

Sorry to hear about your husband condition. I don't claim to be expert. I think you should now be aware about our body's immune system. Study Chris eat cancer about carrot juicing. Try the juice treatment and see if that what you want. With all the drugs and toxin in your husband system you will need drastic action. Good luck

wifeofvet profile image
wifeofvet in reply toRoland632017

in 13 years of cancer...we've done it all, including carrot juicing. thanks.

Bigm789 profile image
Bigm789 in reply toRoland632017

How can your PSMA pet scan or FDG pet bone scan be normal if your stage 4 what does your igl2 levels and PSA #Say?

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply towifeofvet


Have you heard about Essiah tea. I think softwaremom mentioned in one of her reply. I think it relieves suffering for someone who is in great pain as well as cures the incurable. Read up on the founder

wifeofvet profile image
wifeofvet in reply toRoland632017

read about it, done it. nothing happened.

vandy69 profile image

Good Monday Morning Roland,

All of us can understand at some level your current decision, but you are playing with fire.

Those of us with high Gleason, metastatic PCa have been kept alive by conventional treatments. I always think that if there were another better unconventional way to beat prostate cancer into remission, there would be a line of patients miles long outside that location.

Anecdotal evidence is not science. Please be careful.

Best wishes. Never Give In.

Mark, Atlanta

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply tovandy69

Hi vandy69

I will take note on your input. I like to play this back. On 17.11.17 my urologist wants to get me on Bi Eligard and when I said no directly to him he committed not once but 3 times that if I delayed treatment for 2 months I could die. Back then I did not expect more worsening PSMA and CT & Bone scan reports. It has been 2 weeks now and I don't feel threatened so I will let my intuition and my body do the talking. Up until now I am feeling fine as in I still can eat, sleep and play golf this morning.

vandy69 profile image
vandy69 in reply toRoland632017

Hi Roland,

I also felt fine when diagnosed with PSA=29, Gleason=10, and numerous lymph node mets. Med Onc said with treatment, I could expect 3 years, with death in a Hospice, wasting away. Here I am at 5+ years above ground and taking a cruise to Cuba in 5 days!

Life is about choices. Please be careful with your choices, as all choices have consequences.

Mark, Atlanta

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply tovandy69

Hi Mark

Let us in on your last 5 years journey so we can gauge better. For me the last 3 weeks I have been building my immune system with drastic diet change and PH monitoring. With the latest report coming only from last week I have decided to treat my ailment head on with doxycycline and vitamin c. Obviously I intend to run more test in about 6 weeks time as you know you do not expect overnight success. Thanks again for your concern.

vandy69 profile image
vandy69 in reply toRoland632017

Look at my bio (vandy69) for my past 5 years of constant aggressive treatment to stay alive.

Best wishes. Never Give In.

Mark, Atlanta

wifeofvet profile image
wifeofvet in reply toRoland632017

i don't get it. doxy is an antibiotic....and, pretty much an obsolete antibiotic. what the heck do you think you are treating with it? prostate cancer is NOT an infection. not only that, but subjecting the REST of your body to long-term antibiotic abuse for no reason is just inviting MORE trouble.

oh, and a big P.S. on turning your body into a fighting machine.

a wise doctor at a major cancer supercenter said something somewhat profound to me when i asked about being able to do anything possible to build my husband's physical health to fight his cancer when he was in pretty good shape without trying. ''those are things you might have considered doing BEFORE he got cancer. now, you'd just be feeding the beast.''

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply towifeofvet

Follow me on my other replies and google again doxycycline and vitamin c cure cancer

wifeofvet profile image
wifeofvet in reply toRoland632017

interesting stuff. i had no idea.

Bigm789 profile image
Bigm789 in reply tovandy69

How to cure cancer Jane Maclleland book, Joe Tippons protocol. My cancer

Roland632017 profile image

Well done on your excellent journey. You must be young and tough. Hope you have excellent health but my advice is to continue to keep your immune system healthy

Roland632017 profile image

Hi Nalakrats

What a long comprehensive reply. Please look up oncotarget 2017 Vol 8 (No 40) 67269-67286. Maybe you overlooked on something. Back in 1990's I think the researchers put in too much variation and all the experimental rats suffered severe haemorrhage and died. So be patience I will keep you posted as it may require 2 months

Roland632017 profile image

Hi Nakakrats

Put it this way I was out playing golf 7:30 am and expected rain. Funny enough the sky remains cloudy I had 11 holes of golf. I am still feeling great. And guess what my Urologist appointment has been moved 1 day forward to 3 pm this afternoon. I will still tell the urologist That I will not proceed with his treatment plans

Dan59 profile image
Dan59 in reply toRoland632017

I hope you do not believe that nonsense that you can change your bodies PH level and cure cancer that way, If so I have a bridge for sale. I agree with Gourd, wife of vet, and others that have suggested you take the appropriate treatment , and get an expert Medical Oncologist instead of a Urologist, and learn all you can about this disease

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toDan59

Hi Dan59

Nice to chat. I noticed your PSA has been hovering around the 60+ mark. My last PSA is 16.43 ie after surgery so I presumed I am in better shape. For info I have been working on building up my immune system. Now that the recent reports appeared I have to be more drastic in my treatment. Hence I am following what I intended. That is for now.

Dan59 profile image
Dan59 in reply toRoland632017

I am going into my 12th year, after a stage 4 Gleason 10 , psa 148 diagnosis, I was inoperable, I felt fine then, as I do now. I have been on continual treatment the whole time. Today at the clinic , I was talking to a Man who was diagnosed as stage 4 , 2 years before me, He has been on continual treatment too, we enjoy life. Nowadays they have shown that adding upfront chemo to original adt puts many men into complete remission and adds to their survival. Gourd Dancer took aggressive treatment upfront in a trial, after a stage 4 dx over 10 years ago, and IMO he has beaten this disease and has been cured, I think that might be a little hard to do by juicing carrots, just my thoughts, I respect your own treatment decision, and I wish you the best


Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toDan59

Hi Dan59

This is a question for you and AlanMeyer if you can contact him. What is your view regarding cancer basics. Do you agree that cancer cell has microbes and is very good in disguise. Under most treatment if the cancer microbes are not killed the cancer cells just normally change to normal cell hence the body immune system could not eliminate them but these cells are dormant cancer cell which will flare up whenever the environment is right hence we almost always have recurrence in for battle against this beast. Please enlighten me. Thanks

Dan59 profile image
Dan59 in reply toRoland632017

I am not a Doctor or a Medical researcher, Just a guy who has studied Advanced Prostate Canceras a patient, and see many Men come and go, I do not know the answer top your question.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toDan59

Hi Dan59

You do know my condition. My Urologist who operated on me gave a report after my biopsies right. Left and ureter with Gleason 5+5 and in the report he says my PCa is incurable and can be treated. If you believe in this bullshit then I will be like another normal Advanced PCa candidate mirror your journey. Study the cancer basics and next time implore more out of your oncologist. You would want a cure if not a very lengthy remission. Good luck. Always don't take the punch lying down.

Dan59 profile image
Dan59 in reply toRoland632017

Roland, I wish you the best with this new reality. I think all we can do is get the very best medical Oncologist who specializes and researches Prostate Cancer, and do what they say, Please know we are all here for you, and will help in any way we can. I do know the devastating feeling of being newly dxed with high grade cancer, all I can say is after a while it gets easier to live with, and you reach a point where you can live with it.


Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toDan59

Hi Dan59

Thanks for the prompt reply. Again I disagree with your view. My outlook is always and will always be if it happens it happen. Just a little upfront, Some 9 years ago a relative of mine diagnosed with stomach cancer. During that time I gave a conversation with a fellow golfer whose mum had been diagnosed with serious stomach cancer too. The lady was 70 years old and when for apricot seed(Laetrile) treatment and survived where as the relative of mine took th chemotherapy and died within a short 5 months. Then 5 years ago my morn mate had PCa Stage 2 and took the Da Vinci robotic surgery and did not turn out well, He went through all the radiation, injections and recently chemotherapy. He still recovering and felt lousy. But after learning what happened to me. Last 2 weeks he has a diet change, doing hand swinging exercise and meditation and all of a sudden he is full of emery and had good complexion and aura. This is been real.

Dan59 profile image
Dan59 in reply toRoland632017

Good Luck

wifeofvet profile image
wifeofvet in reply toRoland632017

the highest and best way to turn your immune system into a killing machine against prostate cancer is with PROVENGE. There are many supplements that attack PCa cells in vivo effectively...but, making a super healthy environment for cells growing out-of-control, just doesn't make any sense to me.

paulofaus profile image

Good luck with your decisions, I would suggest having a Plan B in mind in case the results don't go as you would like.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply topaulofaus

Hi paulofaus

I just put an update on my profile. I don't know wether I have done it correctly. On your posts I noticed you updated us regularly. Please let me know if you can't see it. Thanks

paulofaus profile image
paulofaus in reply toRoland632017

Yes, I just read your update. I am very keen to see how you get on. What age are you? Cheers

paulofaus profile image
paulofaus in reply topaulofaus

Sorry just saw you're 62.

Roland632017 profile image


I am still alive after 10 days of treatment. Yesterday I had sex and a very strong ejaculation. I use some ural ( sodium bicarbonate effervescent) to wash my uti. Now I have enhanced my treatment to include 2x1500 mg omega 3 fish oil to help flush out those dead cancer rascal if my body is slow to get rid of them.

I still feel great and will be out playing my Sunday afternoon golf. Will be in touch.

Darryl profile image

Hi Roland. What did you ejaculate?

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toDarryl

Hi Darryl

I am still a very normal person. I can and is able to function as a normal male adult. I hope this helps clarify your curiosity. By the way I have no previous surgery of any kind apart from an appendix which was performed when I was 20 years old.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toDarryl

Hi Darryl

Your question about me play golf is quite amusing. Sorry about the time difference between United State and Australia. I reside in Sydney. So I 9 holes golf Sunday afternoon 3 pm. To play 9 holes you walk about 4 kilometres in 3 hours ( this don't even qualify as healthy exercise under heart foundation, mainly it is not continuous movement) Then I had a sample of my blood taken for psa at 9:30 am Monday morning. I headed to play golf 10:30 am after that. I hope this clarifies things. I am not a super human. But I am healthy enough to do as normal, Will be in touch.

Roland632017 profile image

Hi All,

This morning I woke up feeling good. I replied to Daryl question about my ejaculation. I walked and played 9 holes golf yesterday afternoon in the sun. I felt a little tired but after 10 short minutes nap Zi was fine. 1/2 hour ago I had my blood sample taken for another PSA test. Result will be ready in a few days. Will be heading to play golf again then have lunch in my clubhouse.

I think I am enjoying this quality living for being diagnosed Advanced PCa Stage 4. Will continue to keep you posted.

Wassersug profile image

I have just been invited to join this thread. But in order to say anything useful, I would like some more information. Roland, how old are you? What have been your last three PSA measurements and the time between them? What comorbidities are you dealing with, if any, and what treatments are you taking for them?

Meanwhile for those reading this, who believe that doxycycline plus ascorbic acid (i.e., Vit C) can effective treat advanced PCa, please give us the URLs for where you got that information. I just did a search in PubMed and can find no evidence that it is effective in humans.

Roland, What is/are your plans/strategy for pain management?

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toWassersug

Hi Wasserrsug

I saw your replied and knows you are a professor. My details is in my initial post when I joined this forum on 1 Dec 17.

My PSA 28/05/15 0.94 18/02/17 2.22

I had CT scan 25/10/17 report

There is mild to moderate right hydronephrosis and hydroureter with associated asymmetrical bladder wall thickening in the posterior wall and region of the right VUJ which is suspicious for an infiltration mass lesion.

The prostate appears enlarged

Fatty liver.

I had operation in 28/10/17

Procedure: Cystoscopy + TURP (middle lobe) + RGPG + Stent


Normal anterior/bulbar urethra with no strictures

Abnormal irregular right prostate protruding into bladder

Abnormal right bladder floor mucosa involving right ureteric orifice

Strictures right distal ureter(extrinsic compression) with hydronephrosis

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toRoland632017

Sorry to continue hand phone is not easy to write...

During Cystoscopy 4 samples taken for biopsies and histology report

1 Bladder neck/prostate chip Gleason 5+5

2 Right ureteric orifice : Specimen being poorly differentiated prostatic adenocacinom

3 Right prostate Gleason 5+5

4 Left prostate Gleason 5+5

Hospital stay 1 day and allowed to go home.

5 days on during recovery slowly engage in hand swinging exercise ( check hand swinging exercise cure Stage 3 colon cancer) u tube reveals a Taiwanese neuro surgeon performed this and rejected conventional surgery.

Had PSMA on 27/11/17

Had CT Abdomen and Pelvis 30/11/17

Had Nuc Med Bone Scan 30/12/17

CT report

There is now a right ureteric stent with resolution of the hydronephrosis. The right bladder wall mass has increased in size. There are now left common iliac and para-aortic lymphadenopathy, worse since previous CT. There are several non specific sclerotic bony lesions, essentially stable since previous study. No other significant changes noted.

Bone Scan report

Increased focal osteoblastic activity is seen in the L2 vertebra body, superior sacrum, and possibly the right 8th and left 9th ribs posteriorly raising the sites of bony metastatic involvement

PSMA report is in my email and is bad and confirmed the above findings.

Treatment 6-12 Nov 17

4x1/2 hour session hand swinging exercise

5 g baking soda dissolved in honey ( Total dosage for 1 day). Dosage spread evenly 2 times a day ( each time 20 minutes apart over 3 sessions)

Treatment 13-30 Nov 17

4x1/2 hour session hand swinging exercise

Carrot and celery blended power food (300 g carrot 300 d celery pet day)

Treatment 1 - 10 Dec 17 ( daily)

2x 100 mg doxycycline and Vitamin C 14- 15 mg

Method ( check Oncotarget 2017 Vol. 8 (No. 40) pp 67269-67286 )

Morning on waking up drink 4 g baking soda dissolved in water ( ex chlorine by standing tap water outside a few hours) with lemon juice a few drops to minimise high PH before drinking.

1/2 hour hand swinging exercise (3 sessions total a day )

100 mg doxycycline with food 3 g Vitamin C (powder dissolved in warm water)

10- 11 hours apart 100 mg doxycycline with food

The rest of vitamin c intake 2-4 g each time spread out at least more than 2 hours apart.

( My oral bowel tolerance at start is 15 g/ day)

Meal intake per day to include

1 medium size cucumber and 2 tomatoes with evaporated rock salt 1/4 teaspoon.

2x250 ml carrot and celery blended juice.

Treatment 11- current

Include 2x 1500 mg omega 3 fish oil on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.

Only other medication is my blood pressure tablet 10 mg amlodopine a day.

Current physical and emotional status.

Everyday can eat sleep and do normal tasks.

Still working but doing 3 x 6 hours a week.

My work is with Asahi Beverages. I work in the Syrup Room. Job involvement a fair bit bending squatting and walking.

No problem doing all this tasks.

Please have your prognosis.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toRoland632017

Like to add ....

Currently no pain or any discomfort and can function normally on sex.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toRoland632017

To add further..

My age is 62 years

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toRoland632017

My other PSA 10 Nov 17 16.46 11 Dec 17 19.13. 10/11/17 psa too close after surgery. Psa 10/12/17 had sex inside 48 hours.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toRoland632017

Sorry for taking so long too write it would have been easier to photo and send.

Wassersug profile image


Thanks for the additional details.

I can find no data in the medical literature to support the idea that doxycycline & vitamin C are effective as a treatment for advanced prostate cancer. Can you give us some more information on how you found your way to that treatment and what led you feel that it was the best for you?

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toWassersug

Hi Wassersug

Dr. Please check Oncotarget 2017 Vol. 8 ( No. 40 ) pp 67269-67286


Wassersug profile image


That is indeed an interesting paper. And you are a brave soul for moving the de Francesco et al. preclinical findings into a clinical trial, albeit with N = 1. I hope that you will keep us all posted with monthly reports on how it goes. Most of all I hope you will contact the authors off the Oncotarget paper so that they will know that you are testing out their protocol. You are essential the first patient in a phase 1 trial. They need to know how it goes for you.

You clearly understand what you are up against. You are young yet have metastatic PCa. It is unusual to have substantive soft tissue metastatic disease without evidence of bony mets (at least no sign of bone pain). You also know that none of the approved treatments are considered curative, so it makes sense that you want to go beyond that.

I hope that this treatment works for you. Please, please, keep us updated!

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toWassersug

Hi Wassersug

It is best pleasing news from you. Like I said from the beginning 1 Dec 17 I was putting myself as a lab rat.

With information about cancer basics from " dirt cheap cancer cure protocol " This is information about cancer basics I have initially administers sodium bicarbonate with honey for initial 6 days then turned to blended carrot celery super food but not on those high fiscal intakes.

My main purpose is the body's immune system strengthening provided by the exercise. This regime has a very strong technique in that 1st 10 minutes it get the blood to circulate the 2nd 10 minutes it makes the blood do something else. Sorry I can only feed to you as a lay man. Finally on the 3rd 10 minutes into the exercise it is supposed to forcefully force the blood to reach out to the furthers point in our system as well as curing body's ailments and defects. This is why I am showing no pain and fatigue.

Also as a morning wake up routine I will wash my system with 4 g baking soda with a few tiny squeezes of lemon.

I do need to flush the UTI at least you clean the bladder exposed lining all the way down to urethral.

Coming to Vitamin C I know it has cancer killing properties.

The reason I decided on Doxycycline has 2 folds.

Firstly looking at reports on bladder, UTI infections including BHP and prostate cancer, My research indicates it has a very strong link to bacteria infection from the very early start.

Treatment for early UTI or Bladder infection wants us to drink plenty of water to flush the system and hope our body's immune system can take care of that.

This is well the antibiotic has its role.

The second fold is to do with the research paper which I pointed out to you.

My aim is to kill cancer cells with vitamin C but by combining with doxycycline it has the potential to do this by a magnification 100 times more potent.

Having joined the forum now I have discovered that when too many cancer cells are killed and if they are allowed to remain in the environment then now healthy cell can be cohesive to turn cancerous. In the bone metastasis it is harder. But anyway you do need to enlist a proper waste discharger.

As I have little knowledge to work on I have introduced omega 3 fish oil. 2x1500 mg on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.

Reason I still want to train my immune system. ( LOL like talking as an expert)

All the ingredients that I am using is easy accessible for me.

The other thing about diet is important as antioxidants etc and its usefulness.

To that I also added evaporated rock salt. In my salads I used them. Maybe 1/3 teaspoon as a mineral replacement.

So I am working on all directions,

My treatment plan is to stay this course until my vitamin c oral intake ( which will be determined by oral to bowel tolerance) come down to 7 g a day.

By the way when I first stated I thought with my Dx Stage 4 scenario I would have to go to 50 g per day.

With the 15 g per day for I think I am much healthier.

This plainly explains why I can go about doing almost everything and pain free and fatigue free.

Thanks doctor for being patience as I can only feed you in lay man's term.

Wassersug profile image
Wassersug in reply toRoland632017

A caveat—If you go back to the Oncotarget paper, you'll notice that the did not expose the tissue to baking soda or any other of the supplements that you are taking. If the primary treatment fails, you'll never know if it was because of interference from the supplements you are taking. You may want to consider simplifying the experiment.

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply toWassersug

Thanks Dr. I have stated my treatment regime is to use body 's immune system. Before the latest Scan reports I was treating myself on a Stage 3 level. This was up until 30 Nov 17. I was coping well and I figure if I carry on back then I might fighting the battle over s very lengthy period.

Also going into immunology I was thinking about that 6 days of sodium bicarbonate with honey treatment ( from cure cancer cheap protocol ) I have by accident kill some cancer cells (help by the hand swinging exercise " this cures a neurological surgeon of Stage 3 colon cancer " hence set up a chain reaction to slowly cure myself.

Again it could be wishful thinking.

By embarking using doxycycline and vitamin c it all works together.

I understand your important study as obviously you want to be ably to narrow down to a single effective isolater.

So what transpired is a sequence of events.

With a little improviser added here and there. My condition is systemic so I cannot only rely on that doxycycline and vitamin c single only treatment.

Thanks for being so upfront.

curt504a profile image

Dr Dach in Fl has reading re this protocol AND important discussion of cancer stem cell propagation of reoccurance that std protocols don't work on (per Dach).

Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply tocurt504a

Hi curt504a

Very glad and thanks for your input on Jeffrey Dach,

Part 1 is interesting and Part 2 is very deep in other ways of treatment.

I need to read in more details.

Again appreciate your help.


Roland632017 profile image
Roland632017 in reply tocurt504a

Hi curt504a

Also since you are the very first to point this latest findings to me,

A question for you. Currently I am not using Vitamin C & doxycycline protocol any more as in my post I was readmitted to hospital for a 2 nd Cystoscopy with left ureteric stent.

I now use PH protocol keeping urine&saliva ph 7.5 and above.

This I understand slow and make the cancer dormant.

Is there any information out there in regards to this?

I have simplified by using green tea and when diluted from a single tea bag has a very high ph and is very effective.


Attitude67 profile image

You are exploring and using mild biochemical therapies based on anecdotal evidence that have mild, if any, therapeutic effects. You are taking to much risk at this stage of your disease progression. You need to reduce your PSA to almost nothing then try these therapies. If you ignore the warnings you have been given you will reach a critical point and experience massive systems failure.

When taking vitamin and mineral supplements they should be Liposomal. This enables effective delivery of encapsulated compounds to target sites while minimizing systemic toxicity. Some drugs are more effective when given Liposomally than IV treatments and much less expensive. Liposomal:

The following substances are known to be of some effect in fighting Pca based on Anecdotal Evidence and BioMedical Research conducted in Asia, Australia, Israel, and France:

Ave Ultra (Avemar Fermented Wheat Geem Exract)

Bee “Royal Jelly” “Propolis” “Pollen”

Pao Pereira

PectaSol-C (Modified Citrus Pectin)


PSP (Coriolus versicolor is a mushroom of the Basidiomycetes class. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine as a tonic, and recent studies suggest that it has immunostimulant and anti-tumor properties. *PSP is being used in Australia, China, Japan, and several other countries. The most bioactive form is being produced in Australia. One of the original Chinese researchers has relocated to Canada and is producing small batches there. Sloan Kettering:

PSP has been approved as a tier 1 PCa pharmaceutical by Japan. For a small group of patients it is a treatment with intent to cure, for others it suppresses PCa and reduces orbeliminates tumors, for others it assists during chemotherapy.

While PectaSol -C, PSP, and Liposomal vitamins and minerals are considered real game changers for PCa patients no one should consider self treatment.. At the very least an ACAM certified physician, or naturopath specializing in PCa treatment should be consulted to guide you.

The advice of and treatment by a Board Certified Oncologist should always be followed and PSA and other biomarkers should be sufficiently reduced before Intermittent Treatment periods are extended by the supplements that work for you. If you are able to reduce your PSA to almost nothing with ADT then you can use these substances during each Intermittent period and see how long before your PSA rises rather than risk system failure.

IMHO only Targeted Killer T cells have the potential to eliminate cancer cells of all types. They are already showing their effectiveness on some forms of cancer and Clinical Trials are now underway in the US to test some of the most common forms of PCa. A cure is coming. We are making more progress this generation than has ever been made before.

Fear is a Mind Killer. Try not to let it interfere with critical thinking.

Good Luck and God Bless!

Profards profile image

Hello roland, how r u now.. seems a month since ur last post.. am reading d entire forum. How long now is ur intake of doxy? Up until now? What about ur liver? Do u have it checked recently? Taking doxy seems to also kill all our helpful bacteria.. update us please

davea0511 profile image
davea0511 in reply toProfards

He stopped the protocol after about 1 month. Honestly I would have been surprised to see it work because cancer patients have endemically low blood ascorbate levels even when megadosing. If he wanted to get ascorbate levels high enough to match the study he probably should have at least used liposomal C (with 3rd party laboratory verified true sub-micron sized liposomes), at a very high dose, and/or intravenous vitamin C. It does seem to make sense however that if he'd done the protocol correctly (as I identified), it would have worked. It would have been expensive but it would have worked.

Profards profile image

been almost a year and roland still so quiet now.. does the vit+dox effected him good or bad? i still wait till he lively comment

GeorgeGlass profile image

Several people said they are taking doxycycline with berberine or C-IVs. My question is how long and often do you take the Doxycycline? As an antibiotic, isnt there a limited amount of time you can take it before it loses effectiveness or causes problems in your body?

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