Advanced Prostate Cancer with Covid. - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Advanced Prostate Cancer with Covid.

worrywaffle profile image
36 Replies

Hello all,

Just wondering if there's any warrior who is stage 4 prostate cancer tested covid positive? Can share some experience?

My dad just tested covid positive yesterday, apart from having mild fever with really bad sore throat. He been complaining his back hurts . But other than that he have not experience chest pain or difficulty in breathing . He have been 2 vaccinated and 1 booster shot. Thanks for the input in advance ♥

also a tiny bit on update on his prostate cancer, he did petscan and CT scan everything been stable and controlled, i am really happy about it .

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worrywaffle profile image
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36 Replies
Vsahay profile image

My father had tested positive last year. It did take him some time to recover but nothing serious. Just stay under medical supervision. If possible keep checking his oxygen levels using an oximeter.

worrywaffle profile image
worrywaffle in reply to Vsahay

thank you, yes i have been checking his oxygen level for every 2 hours. so far been stable. hope you and your dad doing well too .

Schwah profile image

I had it a few months ago and I’mNot even vaccinated. I was suck for a couple of days. No big fever. Just some chills and aches. I was tired for about a week after but fully recovered now. For me, having an oximeter around (like ten bucks ) was a huge relief. I could check my oxygen levels and be sure nothing serious was going on. It got down to 91-92 (96-99 is normal) so definitely below normal but nothing to worry about unless it starts going in the 80s.


worrywaffle profile image
worrywaffle in reply to Schwah

thank you for sharing, congrats on the recovery! i have the oximeter and been checking regularly on him. so far been quite stable

Pancake_Lefse profile image

MyJeff tested COVID positive a couple months ago. He was vaccinated plus booster.

On day of diagnosis he ran a bit of fever, however mostly he just felt like he had a bad cold for a few days.

The 10 day quarantine lasted longer than his symptoms did.

~ Stephanie


Currumpaw profile image
Currumpaw in reply to Pancake_Lefse

Hey Pancake_Lefse!

My neighbor's two children --they are late 30's early 40's both had the original COVID. They were vaccinated after they recovered as is strongly advised--boosted too. The son owns an ambulance service and allowed an office area in his business to be used as a vaccination site for people in his area--Nice of him! Both of them contracted COVID again!

I live in Rhode Island. On the state's COVID site there is a section listing "breakthrough" numbers. Rhode Island now records 104,903 breakthrough cases, 2,164 hospitalizations and 333 deaths among those who have been vaxed, or, "completed the primary series", which I take to mean, at least the two shots originally thought to be sufficient.

I hope people see this and it encourages them to continue to be vigilant especially those that have somewhat compromised immune systems. I always wear a "real", 3M, 95N respirator when around others. I wear nitrile gloves and sanitize them and my key fob with 70% isopropanol alcohol after unlocking my vehicle. My footgear stays in the entry or is placed in the sun. I try to leave groceries outside for a short time if possible.

One should take whatever precautions that make them feel comfortable. Remember there are no guarantees in life. We do the best we can.


Pancake_Lefse profile image
Pancake_Lefse in reply to Currumpaw

Stay safe and in good health - those numbers are staggering. ❤️

vforvendetta profile image

My father was fully Moderna vaccinated with APCa that was under full control with an undetectable PSA. He contracted Covid in October 2021 and it took him on November 2nd, 2021. It was the worst thing that I had to experience as I was extremely close to my father.

We had to say our goodbyes to him over a Zoom meeting. He was fully vented and not even conscious at the time, and nobody could be with him when he passed. It has scarred my memory and I still struggle with the images of it and my thoughts of his loneliness when he did pass.

We took him in as early as they would accept him. We were advised to stay at home for two days to treat symptoms, but they progressed. He was admitted to one of the "best" hospitals in Toledo, Ohio. Once admitted it was another three days before the infectious disease doctor tried anything (other than steroids and ativan for his anxiety).

My suggestion would be to understand the FDA guidelines for Covid treatment as best as you can (the different drugs that are available) and when they can/should be administered and ask questions as much as possible. Once your father is admitted (at least in our case) your contact with him will be severely limited.

We couldn't call our father and get a hold of him because he had a O2 mask on and was weak.

They would not allow us to physically see him until we changed his code status and at the point where we made the decision to take him off the ventilator. Even then, they only let one family member visit him. My mother, who is wheelchair bound and a house of cards physically, opted for my brother to be with him physically during the Zoom call where we all said goodbye. My Mom cries frequently still, wishing she could have held his hand one last time to say goodbye to her husband of 60 years. She now lives with me and my family fulltime.

The nurses were overworked and would only talk to us twice over a twelve hour shift (I get it, they are overworked). When we would talk to them, they were very short (again, I get it).

Infectious disease doc was overworked as well, and we could only talk to her every few days.

All in all, a really fucking horrible experience. But that was just for me and my family. When I think about my Dad's experience and the end result I get angry and sad all over again.


Some hospitals/medical facilities have developed additional protocols that they use in conjunction with those listed above based on experience. The key (IMHO) is getting therapeutic treatment (and not symptomatic treatment) as early as possible.

One final note, my 82 year old father, other than APCa, was extremely mobile, mentally alert, and active. He was the primary caregiver for my Mom, and was in "good" health (with all things considered). He didn't look like an 82 year old man, even after PCa treatments.

Fuck Covid.

Best of luck.

EDIT: I've edited my response several times now. I miss my father dearly, and I wish all of the members on this forum and the ones they care for the best.

Currumpaw profile image
Currumpaw in reply to vforvendetta


I understand you. What you and your family went through. I wish I didn't.

It is hard to live with the effect an experience such as your father's death, the way he died, leaves on those who are close.

My very sincere sympathies to you and your entire family.


vforvendetta profile image
vforvendetta in reply to Currumpaw

Thank you Currumpaw, I wish you the best.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to vforvendetta

to v,

Please give your Mom a great big hug from me and let her know that the 60 year marriage to your dear Father was God's way of showing his love for the two of them. The two of them were also responsible for their wonderful and loving children. May your Dad find his peace and joy among God's angels. I too, know the first hand feeling of a vendetta and wish one on fucking Pca and Covid...

j-o-h-n Sunday 03/20/2022 3:38 PM DST

vforvendetta profile image
vforvendetta in reply to j-o-h-n

Thank you, John for the kind words, I will share them with Mom as well :-)

Darryl profile image

Thank you for sharing this important message

Lasered profile image

I'm stage 4, vaccinated and boosted. I have had COVID twice. Once in early January and again in late February. First bout started with a sore throat, headache and fatigue. I slept for 20 hours the second day. Symptoms lasted about three days. Fatigue persisted for a couple weeks. Latest bout was discovered with a COVID test for a part-time job. I was asymptomatic. Lingering fatigue but not sure if that is because of ADT or COVID.

Dsmejkal88 profile image

Covid affects everyone differently. Good news - most people survive, my dad (pca) is vaccinated and boosted and he had zero symptoms. I had one heck of a time and was told to push fluids and monitor my oxygen, if something felt off just go to ER. (I’m not a pca patient but just wanted to share that because I had a hard time breathing). Plenty of guys have had it on here and are still around posting. Hoping your dad recovers quickly with no complications!

mrscruffy profile image

Had it twice, once bad the other easy. The one thing in common is the cough afterward, Nyquil and a Z-pack and good to go

ARIES29 profile image

Yes I tested positive recently & was taking the Firmagon monthly.I had back ache & leg pain mainly with the effects of the flue for three days but ok now.

Also I had my two jabs for the covid but no booster & that makes me wonder, why have the jabs or vaccination in the first place?

I am grateful anyway it only lasted three days & I am still here.

CharlieBC profile image
CharlieBC in reply to ARIES29

Why take the jab, indeed.

Archimedes69 profile image

Found I had covid when I went into hospital for chemo. Temperature was high( though measured normal at home) Eventually examined by doctor, she confirmed covid and sent me out of hospital. Had PCR tests which confirmed covid. I have had 3 pfizer jabs and a booster so was a little surprised to catch the virus. On the other hand symptons were mild, only a cough and head cold. Here I am three weeks later, going in for chemo on wednesday . I will check temperature and do lateral flow test before visit. All in all not a bad experience.

grahaminator63 profile image

I am fully vaccinated and boosted. I was having a cold I couldn't shake since mid-January. My wife tested positive in late January, but I tested negative. She quarantined properly and then at the beginning of Feb. my cold got worse - severe head congestion. Here I tested positive. but all I got was a head cold. After a few days of congestion and laying low, I started getting better. It wasn't until the beginning of March that I really felt better. It hung around for a lot longer than I wanted. However, this is common when trying to survive the fluctuating temperatures of a New England winter. I'm all good.

larry_dammit profile image

Yep, had the first 2 shots, then great grandson gave the family Covid, I was lucky, dry cough and slight fever, doctor sent me to get a infusion. It worked great, down a couple of days then nothing. 🙏🙏🙏

Newyork6264 profile image

I had COVID right after booster. Ended up being like a mild case of the flu. Did lose my sense of smell for awhile.

worrywaffle profile image
worrywaffle in reply to Newyork6264

thank you for your reply, im glad your case is mild.

Eddy-Merckx profile image

I had COVID at the beginning of February. Fortunately, my symptoms were not too bad - I had a minor sore throat and moderate head congestion for about 5 days. I drank a lot of fluids and ate well. I received my booster at the end of October so that may have helped reduce the severity of the symptoms. Glad to hear his cancer is stable.

GeorgeGlass profile image

Go to and watch the videos about early treatment, in the first week after diagnosis. Watch the videos from mobeen syed on YouTube. I saved my 88 year old from dying, by using these early treatment protocols. The standard hospital protocols increase risk of death significantly.

Currumpaw profile image
Currumpaw in reply to GeorgeGlass

Hey GeorgeGlass!

I pulled up the PDF and low and behold, I take most, nearly all the supps recommended daily.

Early on in 2020, just before my state shut down, I was feeling out of sorts on a late February afternoon as the sun was setting. My temperature was 103. It was about 1630 hours. I wanted to lay down and rest but figured I'd take my nightly round of supps first as I wasn't sure about when I would wake and what I would feel like. I awoke about 0030 hours. My temp was a bit over 98 and I usually run mid 97's. I was hungry. I made something to eat, took some more supps and watched some really old reruns then got another four or five hours of sleep.

Imagine that!

Thank you for your post.


GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to Currumpaw

Smart currumpaw. The entire treatment response by the American government is malpractice. Probably the biggest mass murder in history. No early treatment protocol was ever established, and no government education effort to teach and inform the public of how to do early treatment effectively. Between those actions and the deaths caused by the vaccine, the death and maiming numbers are over a million in the usa, and with rise much higher over time, as more diseases occur in people, shortening their lives. I’m still damaged from the two shots.

Old reruns are helpful too 👍

Postitive 2x - no issues.

Joeym1040 profile image

Had 2 Pfizer shots and booster. I tested positive gor covid, but only symptoms seemed like a head cold. After 3 days I started throwing up blood. Rushed to hospital and they thought the had it controlled after 2 or 3 days.. Not so had to call a special surgeon and had me transferred to another hospital on life support.. Woke up with breathing tube. Recovered from the bleeding after about 2 days and off life support after about 3 days. I was in ICU in isolation my entire 10 days in the hospital. The issue us I have a large diverticulum in my esophagus where the bleeding came from. Apparently I blew an artery. I still have head cold but am recovering pretty fast at home. Mystery seems to be is that no one knows if my bleeding was caused by covid. I see my family Dr and the sturgeon next week and will see what I can find out.Good luck.

kaptank profile image

I am PCa stage 4, metastatic, castrate resistant. Currently taking abiraterone and niraparib and prednisone (which I understand does reduce ummune response a bit). Triple vaxed. Tested covid positive (probably Omicron) last Xmas eve. No symptoms. Only took tests because my partner (only double vaxed) caught it with mild symptoms. I was clear in about 10-12 days. Honestly everyone, get vaxed!

GDeG profile image

I'm stage 4. No other unhealthy preconditions. I'm 77. Inoculated with 2 Modernas and had had a recent flu shot. Got Covid in December 2021 confirmed by hospital test. After onset, coughing sneezing, I self isolated. Slept for 85% of first two days then long gradual improvement. I would say for me it was similar to a heavy flu. No long term side effects I know of. Long recovery period, though, to normal ... maybe 3-4 weeks. No medical intervention.Hope your Dad does well!

Tonwantonga profile image

i started chemo in mid -Dec 2020. on Dec 23 of 2020, I had a temperature higher than the number my MO said i should go to the ER for, so I went to the ER. they gave me the Covid test, a Tylenol, and an IV bag of saline . waited (and tied up one of their rooms) for 4 hours, then someone finally came in and said the 'comprehensive test' showed only Covid, no other respiratory illness. my temperature was back to normal before i left the ER, and three days with a runny nose was the only other symptoms i had.

Dsmejkal88 profile image

How is your dad doing?

worrywaffle profile image
worrywaffle in reply to Dsmejkal88

Sorry have been taking care of him, he finally recovered . He was feeling weak for quite some days. But finally he recovered. Thank you for asking <3

Dsmejkal88 profile image

Never apologize for that! I’m glad he’s on the mend. I still get winded from my covid bout in January!

Microscot1 profile image

Wow. All I read is everyone is double VAXed. And booster. Everyone has had Covid. Safe and effective????I’m not a doctor and don’t give advice but I’m in the same boat as everyone here.

Stage 4 cancer has spread and the doctor says I should be dead by March 15 2024.

But I do my research stopped my ADT have 9 months of 2 year plan. Just could not live with all the bad symptoms hot flashes, no energy, no focus, no love life etc.

It’s been 18 months PSA has gone from .2 to .8 I have never felt better.

Please read what Dr Ryan Cole or Dr Richard M Fleming on

These Doctors risk their careers to tell the truth.

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