I think it's both. I heard about an experiment done on rats where conditions were set up a certain way - do this, get a reward, do this, get punished, etc - to see what would happen, they randomly switched everything, and the rats went crazy and tried to self harm and/or destroy themselves. (Aren't humans sadistic and evil?) Anyway, that's how I feel all the time, like those rats, where nothing makes sense. I buy a wooden folding table, not until I get it home do I realize that the label telling what it is and the ISBN and all that crap is on a big sticker that's stuck to the top of the wooden table. What the hell am I supposed to do with that? Just use it with the big sticker on it, or scrape the big sticker off, scratching the hell out of the table and not really getting all the glue and crap off, not without buying some of that "goof off" stuff.. what is someone supposed to do? You bought it, that's your problem? I buy something in a zip lock bag, there's a little indentation, "tear here" - I tear it there, and the thing is still stuck together above the zip lock part, so I have to get scissors and cut it away to get to the zip lock. And I could go on and on with examples like this. I don't want to live in this modern world anymore, I hate it so much, so dehumanizing, and nothing makes sense. Stop the merry go round, I want to get off. I'm getting dizzy and I'm losing my mind
Has the world gone mad? Or is it just... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Has the world gone mad? Or is it just me?

You know it is human to make flawed designs. Unless we end up in a completely AI-run society it is just "normal" and expecting perfection will only tear you apart mentally. Try to learn/create "work arounds" in life. Make lemons into lemonaid.
Yeah, but mass produced flawed designs? Come on. Tom Waits talked about a story by Charles Bukowski, and he said how the story shows that "It's not the big things. It's not WWII. It's the little things like the broken shoelace when there is no time left." That's what I feel like all the time, there's no time left because I'm always behind, always running, always late, and I'm surrounded by broken shoelaces. Crapitalism 101, the screw just gets turned tighter and tighter, everything gets more expensive while wages stagnate, everything just gets harder and harder, and at the same time the quality of things goes down the toilet. People make products with no thought of "How are people supposed to use this?" Never mind using it, how are people even supposed to open it? All symptoms of a cold and tacky world ( or at least country) that just cares about the bottom line, their own profits, to hell with everything and everyone else. And you're telling me, "Hey, it's not a perfect world." Yeah, ok. Whatever. If that works for you, go for it.
Don't buy stuff that you don't agree with.
Great, but how do you know something is crap ? You can't always tell. Also I think you're kind of missing the point. Thanks anyway though. For more on "the point," see my reply above
That is true!!!!! You don't always know until you open or unbox the products. Most things are returnable. Sure, could be a major inconvenience sometimes but there are options out there. Even if the option I suggested is not right for you, That's okay. But you are the master of your own domain..... you have the power.
"You have the power." I don't though, that's why I'm here. I can't control myself, I can't change myself. I have power over some things, not others
I think I get what you're saying. You're pissed off because lately every stupid little thing you try to do just goes wrong! You're not doing anything wrong, it just feels like you've got a black cloud following you around. 😡And why do they put stickers on the tops of tables or on something made of glass? Or tags on clothes that make you cause a hole unless you have the patience to go get the scissors out of the draw first to carefully cut the tag off, which we never do??! 😠
You didn't want to hear a pep talk. Not on the day you wrote that, at least. You wanted someone to get it, agree, and bitch along with you! 💪 Sometimes, that's all you need. I get like that too. A lot.
Truth is some things are just out of your hands. Its a matter of how you react to them. The things you do have control over ......you can call them a win. Have you tried the calm app? Listen to daily Trip. Guys name is Jeff and guess what He also has ADHD.