Hi first time for me on here. I’m from the UK, 44 married with 2 children 6 & 12. I have not been diagnosed but have so many of the traits of ADD from the reading I have done when I was researching about my son. He has not been. diagnosed either but he is a complex fella and again has some but not all of the traits of ADHD. He is fine at school and there have been any issues, but at home he is more challenging.
When I started reading a book on ADD I thought hang on this is me! Then I read about women and ADD and how they can struggle with all the routine tasks being a mum and homemaker entails. I just can’t seem to do it.
My house is chaotic. It is not hoarder level but there are no systems and no one knows where anything belongs. Things are always being lost and this causes stress. I feel like all I ever do is tidy up and declutter bu its still chaos! I want to teach my kids how to tidy buy how can I when I canmt even do it myself.
Basically I am crap at all the following: laundry, tidying things away, getting up early enough to be on time for work, paying my kids attention instead of being on my phone researching the next ‘miracle’ that will cure my disorganisation (still looking), being on time for anything, food planning & shopping (will go to supermarket with no clue what to buy for dinner, feel overwhelmed and leave with nothing!), life admin, kids school admin, remembering things (will write things in notebook and make lists but then never look at them), putting outfits together (whole wardrobe full of mismatched clothes), not paying things on time or forgetting to pay for car park and then getting £60 fine!!
Christmas has brought things to a head. I have felt completely drained and there have been many cross words from all of us. My husband does help but he is so good at the domestic things it actually makes me feel more inadequate.
I feel so alone with all this whirring round in my head. I look at friends who are also mums and wonder how they do it all. I just am not cut out for this and I feel terrible that I’m not doing the best for my two beautiful children.
Just wondered if anyone had any suggestions that might help me?