I would love your opinion on something ..
So my dh ( audhd) has never been hands on with the kids. We regularly have this debate that I need him to help more with them but he tells me that he cant 'just do it' beause his ADHD brain dosnt work like that. If I need help then I need to ask for it. Eeveryday is the same cycle of me getting up in the morning at silly oclock with the children while he stays in bed till around half 8 time , Normally spending an hour or so scrolling throguh facebook or tiktok.
Last night , our 2 youngest were up every half an hour or so. I managed about 4 hours sleep overal before they got up at 5:30. Around 8 I went upstairs to get dressed and ready for the day and he asked what the problem was ( he was laying in bed awake ) I said i had had very little sleep and was exhausted so rediculously tired. He stayed in Bed while i continued on for another hour or so before he finally got up and came downstairs. When I question this ( as i have done on multiple occasions ) he just says its his adhd and he dosnt realise that he needs to get up and 'parent' or help out and that every morning i need to come into him and give him a breakdown or what it is exactly that I need help with adn then he will get up and help me.
I just find it ironic that he cant ' remember everyday or acknowledge ' how to get up and share the parenting load but he can get up out of bed and remember that he needs to go and work on his current hyperfixation before he leaves for work. I know there is a lot of perception with the child/parent relationship in relationships with those with adhd but surly me having to give him a full breakdown everymorning is not what most people require?
Or maybe im just being really unreasonable?