I found CHADD at 3am this morning and decided to post here as a bit of therapy to a group that may just "get it".
I'm as low as I've ever been. I love my children fiercely but motherhood is uncomfortable sometimes, to say the least.
My 13yo son was diagnosed 5 years ago with ADD. He's also tested as gifted, and that's where this starts to get complicated. We have him enrolled in a highly ranked private academic school and once we became aware of his behavioral challenges in school, he started taking Focalin and things got better. Academically he's a straight A student, 2 grades above in math. It sounds perfect on paper, but ADD is a monster lurking over his future and my heart is breaking at the moment.
My son has a hard time getting work turned in, one of his teachers called him lazy just this past month, and he has zero friends because he's not like they are. These kids are driven, focused, and herded by equally driven parents following a prescribed recipe for future success. Great school = tier 1 college = bragging rights and financial success for Jr. - something we don't push or necessarily subscribe to. We have him at this school because they can keep up with him academically.
He loves science, and decided last year to join a competitive science team where kids are partnered together to answer a 50 minute test on various science subjects. My son has the intellectual mind for this and he loves it. He did well last year (3rd place at regionals with his partners), but the teams have gotten better this year. The school is gunning for a national title, and the rest of the kids don't want to work with my son because he has a hard time focusing and mimicking their stamina. The other kids don't understand his behavior, and they don't trust him as a member of their team. To the point that parents on the team my son did well on last year went to the head of the program and asked my son to be removed as their son's partner. On paper everything is great. In reality, he's struggling a lot.
It's horrifically gutting when your kid can't do what other kids can. It's more gut wrenching to see him be so ostracized. He has no friends. It doesn't bother him, so it shouldn't bother me, (that's what they say). But the fact that my son is bright is meaningless if the world doesn't accept him. I am terrified that I have a spectacularly sweet, kind, intelligent kid who is going to be completely overlooked. There is so much fear here, and anger, on my behalf (he's fine because I am very careful to let him lead and try not to pressure him). I am a problem solver, and I am beside myself trying to figure out the answer to what I fear is an unsolvable puzzle. I love my kid and I see his gifts, and I have no idea how to help him navigate a world that moves around him differently.
Can anyone even remotely relate to this? I feel so alone.