Hi Folks,
My son is 11 years old and in the 5th grade. Unfortunately our district ran out of room in the elementary schools so 5th grade is now part of middle school.
My son has ADHD and Tourette’s and was previously medicated in 1st-2nd grade. We seriously tried all medications and then went meds free in 3rd-4th grade and part of 5th.
My son has a EBD IEP he got at the end of 2nd grade, looking back I wish I would have pushed for an ADHD IEP instead. I was clueless back then.
Every year since pre-k, he has had amazing classroom teachers where he was quiet/non-disruptive, although he could sometimes be distracting in specials. Last year he had a horrible case manager, who he acted out with but she treated him terribly and shouldn’t be working with kids.
This year, my son is struggling a lot more in middle school. We had to start meds again, but those exasperate his tics. He sometimes has attention seeking behavior in class and I feel like he gets singled out and in trouble way more than non-IEP kids- does anyone notice the same issue with their kids?
Ex. 1- He gets sent to the principal’s office after helping a friend up outside that fell in snow when his friends were play wrestling at recess. My son did not partake at all, he was just standing there, nonetheless he’s sent to the principal and I get a phone call. A couple weeks later non-IEP kids were wrestling in the bathroom and got a verbal warning.
Ex. 2- He is now in trouble for bullying 2 differing kids. Kid #1 he admitted to calling him an idiot and sticking his tongue out (totally don’t defend this rude behavior) although this kid loudly complains about my son in class to get him in trouble when he is doing with nothing or something minor like tapping his pencil. He does this a lot, and then his teacher kicks my son out of class. I have followed up with teachers and they said they don’t see my son instigating anything with this child. Kid #2 follows my son around, laughs at him, makes up false stories, teases him about his stutter, ect. He even tripped my son in gym and my son told the gym teacher and other special teachers when this stuff is occurring yet somehow my son is in trouble with the administration.
Ex. 3- I have let so much go with the school, ongoing bullying(telling my son to ignore/stay away, tell a teacher) including having kick me signs put on his back multiple times, name calling, being hit in the head, ect. And NONE of these other kids get in trouble.
Sorry for rambling but I am so frustrated what other kids get away with and what my son is targeted for. They went as far as to remove him from his specials classes when he has had great behavior scores in each class all year, because they are trying to keep him away from kid #2. They also said he has to sit at a different lunch table when he is nowhere near kid #2 at lunch, and he sits with a good group of boys that have stood up for him when he’s being teased. I have called for an in-person meeting since the school administration did no due diligence in to either situation, they just told my son what his punishment is for.
His case manager is great and his speech therapist loves him, however the asst principal and social worker are both horribly negative. I understand the schools have too many kids to manage, and my dad is a 40+ year public teacher so I get their jobs are tough, but I’m seriously considering moving my son back to private school where the staff and teachers are caring and class sizes are small.
Any feedback or similarities to what your kids deal with at school?