Hi all. So I have a 13 year old daughter who has always been hyperactive from a very young age. Since going to secondary school this has got worse and also developed Tics. I have spoken to the school about this as her behaviour and grade started slipping. They are not really willing to do much. The Tics recently have changed from head shin and nose scrunching to a verbal tic but its a noise in the back of the throat rather than words. She is a very active girl and she is in multiple sports inside and out side of school. I was wondering if anyone had a y tips on the verbal tics as people at school are now starting g to he horrible to her about it and mincing her noises. I have spoken to the doctors about an ADHD assessment but there is a 2 year waiting list and that doesn't help her at school, I hate the thought of her going through this and not being able to help her. She has has problems at school before with racism and her tics got really bad then and she refused to go to school. I kept her off untill she was calm enough to have a conversation about it without getting upset and 'setting the tics off' again any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading.