It may be slow, and it may be steady...but I am getting out.
Yesterday, the longest walk post Covid...
It was a tad chilly, and a tad damp underfoot, but for me, walking with my small runner in training, her Mama and their dog , Alice, it felt absolutely amazing! We walked from their small orchard through to the fields and over the fields where I usually run.
The trees, huge, still bare-branched, reaching out in welcome. The track , every inch of which I feel I know by heart, and the fields...seen, last time at the beginning of December, with the soldier spears of winter wheat , detonating skyward, were now green-clad and softened by new growth, the result of the latest sunshine and rain.
I was not sure how the walk would go...but wellied up and snug in our jackets and hats, we set off. A gentle pace... well that was me... Alice, the dog... full of bounce and bark, ball-chasing. scent-sniffing, and trail taking.... kept us laughing and kept us moving.
A small mittened hand in mine and gentle soft chatter with my daughter... it was just right. Familiar, not too far and always within sight of home.
Just about a mile from start to finish...that. which involved Alice leaping into their frog pond.. to munch on any left over half-submerged apples which had dropped in there over the late Autumn! It cleaned her anyway!
I felt good. My breathing was deep and relaxed and easy... my legs, benefiting from daily yoga and my daily routine., ( tweaked a little, until I get even stronger). felt strong and steady.
I know some days feel better than others, and yesterday was a good day. I slept well and today felt good too !
Every trail leads to another trail and every walk counts.
Happy walking everyone x