Hi all! Anyone got any plans for some good walks this weekend? This cold weather's playing havoc with my joints, but strangely I'm coping quite well with my brisk 6 minute walks - yes, I've managed to up them from 5 to 6 minutes!! I'd hoped to be up to 10 minutes by now, but not yet. Mind you, even 6 minutes gets the blood flowing and warms me up nicely! I may just try a walk to the coffee shop tomorrow - it seems ages since I had a posh coffee! I was at the chiropractor this week for the first time in 9 months - very lax, I like to go at least once a quarter - and he told me my spine is like a roller coaster. Well, onward and upward, as I like to say! Haha! Have a good weekend, everyone!
Weekend walk, anyone?: Hi all! Anyone got any... - Active 10
Weekend walk, anyone?
Posh coffee walk sounds great Kay. The weather here has warmed up considerably, it looks like it will be hovering just a few degrees below zero this weekend so I hope to get out each day. Nothing special planned yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
Oh gosh runswithdogs, you have such severe weather! We're hovering around -3C and we think it's going to half kill us! The wind has been evil today - hopefully tomorrow will be cold and sunny without wind!
I am hoping I am Going out for a walk with MrRfc today. It will be great to go out together and have a catch up, it is the time when we chatter and I have missed it while I have been away.
Enjoy it Rfc! You really deserve a bit of stress free downtime!
Yes it is cold out there and well done for doing six minutes 👏🏼 It can certainly get the heart rate going. A posh coffee is a nice motivator and reward
Thanks Mazzy00 - I did have that coffee today, and boy was it good! Thanks for the encouragement!
Short routines are increasingly being recommended. Active 6 is far better than a lack of activity. Keep doing it.
Absolutely svgeeks - I still try to do 3 X 3000 steps a week, mainly for the special coffee I treat myself to at the halfway mark! I appreciate the support, especially since you are such an accomplished walker!

Hi kay50, I liked your term "posh coffee". One day soon I will also treat myself to a $4 (£2.86) pour-over coffee.
About the same price here - between £2.60 and £2.90 depending on which kind you have! Since I started losing weight I've gone on to the "skinny" variety - either skinny latte or skinny cappuccino!

I make and drink most of my coffee at home and drink it black without adding anything to it. I buy two or three different brands/styles and make whatever strikes my fancy. Currently enjoying Dallmayr Espresso Monaco (from Munich-based dallmayr.com/deen/coffee/).
Oooo svgeeks I can smell it! My son and my daughter drink their coffee the same as you do - they tell me I'm a Philistine and I'm destroying good coffee by adding milk!
Yes kay I'm going for a walk this morning 😊
The women in my area gather for a walk and a coffee on the last sunday of the month.
It's a beautiful sunny morning here but baltic conditions expected during the week💨
Enjoy your walk!!
What a great idea! Having a walk and a natter followed by coffee must make for good fellowship and fab friends! Enjoy, 13Valerie!
Well done for getting out Hidden , anything is better than nothing and the fresh air is invigorating, especially when the sun is shining like today. I’ve been having a few problems with my arthritic knees these past couple of weeks, but managed a short walk yesterday. We visited a local house which had opened its garden as part of the National Garden Scheme which raises money for charities. The snowdrops were lovely 😊. Today I’m aiming to put my knee support back on, wrap up warm and try to go a bit further- don’t want to over do it but just love getting out. Enjoy the rest of your weekend 😊
Oh jao77 - isn't arthritis a blooming curse! So frustrating because it limits what you can do. It sounds like you had a lovely time yesterday, and snowdrops are such joyful little flowers - it just feels so good to be outside, doesn't it? You take care today jao77 - but do enjoy your (gentle!) walk on this lovely sunny day.