It was a crisp day today, not too cold, so I went out for a walk. Managed my usual (on a good day!) 3000 steps and felt I could have done more! But oh boy, am I glad I didn't! I was home for less than an hour when my back went into spasm - and then I remembered I'd turned my (heavy) mattress today! I've got my back support on now and fingers crossed it'll be sorted by tomorrow! It does so annoy me! Reminds me why I started out by walking the bus route, which I think I'll go back to doing, bus pass in pocket, till I can trust my spine again! Tomorrow..... hopefully .........
3000 Steps: It was a crisp day today, not too cold... - Active 10
3000 Steps
I'm glad you did your steps, it gives you such a good feeling doesn't it.
I'm sorry your back has gone into spasm but turning a mattress is a major thing, they are very heavy.
Stick to the bus route so that you have a way home
Thanks Karen - I surely will!
Oh Kay look after that back, flipping mattresses is hard work and it is so hard to proctect your muscles doing those sort of jobs. Can you put a heat pack on it or have a hot shower or bath to help relax it. Well done on your 3,000 steps in spite of it. Take care and rest up. Rfc x.
Thanks Rfc - I've got a support with built-in heating which I have on now - I just can't get my head around the fact that there are some things I really shouldn't do anymore!! It's such a fine line between pushing yourself and doing too much. I'm told I'm just plain stubborn!?!

Hehe join the club, about being stubborn. While in recovery I changed it to “things I can’t do just now”. You never know what you are going to end doing as you slowly build up and get stronger, I bet you never thought you’d talk about 3,000 steps the way you do now. 😀.
Absolutely not, Rfc - 8 months ago I was looking at mobility scooters! And when I moved into my little house, at the same time, I had to go up the stairs on my hands and knees - now I practically bound up them! Joining this walking group really has changed my life (Maybe even saved my life)!
Drat Kay. It's so hard when you're feeling good not to overdo it. I hope it resolves quickly, but the backup plan of walking the bus route makes good sense.
Thanks runswithdogs - my body seems to be falling apart lately! The winter weather always affects my joints, but every year I'm surprised that I seize up! But to be honest, this winter has been kinder than usual. I'm sure it's because I'm fitter!
Thanks 13Valerie - you are right, moderation IS the key, but yesterday I forgot that!?!
Oh hope your back is recovering... good that you managed those steps but best keep to the bus route so that you have a way home!
Hi Clematisa1 - I'm much better today thanks! Won't tempt fate though, it'll be a short amble this afternoon!