Decided to go for a walk after getting lentil soup made , Mr D on paperwork in office, so off I went. Went my usual way on pavements for a while, but on my way back as had yakraks on top of trainers went along the riverside in the snow. It as cold as yesterday only on 0 degrees today. Minus 9 yesterday , day before minus 5. So tropical today. Could nt have went along the river if did t have yaktrax on feet for grip. It was a lovely day . Not many people about, a couple of runners , dog walkers. My run finished at local butchers for shopping. Back for a cup of tea, before some of the soup.
A daylight walk for a change 5 km: Decided to go... - Active 10
A daylight walk for a change 5 km

What a beautiful set of photos and a great walk. I stepped out of the house, nearly fell over on a sheet of ice and decided to bin my walk until later when the sun has been on the pavements a bit longer. Those yaktrax sounds brilliant.
Enjoy your lunch. Lentil soup is the perfect winter warmer for a day like today.
Lovely photos! It is slippy out today.

I need to get a pair of yaktrax , they’re probably exactly what I need just now. Hubby said he had some somewhere, so here’s me going digging in the back of the shoe drawers! 💨👀🔎🔦🔍🕵️♀️
oh and what lovely pics !!! (But I was more mesmerised by the yactraxs! Even though I have no clue how you spell them correctly …)
Yaktrax are for not for concrete or pavements, . I used mine today on pavements as well as some had snow and ice and in pictures I posted. My yaktrax have the studs on bottom like golf shoes not the coil ones. Google yaktrax and it will help. I see in your runs you go into wooded paths so could be ok if snowy and icy there.
Super work and beautiful photographs too. Glad you were safe too! X