Not sure if I took my pill or not? Is... - Mental Health Sup...

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Not sure if I took my pill or not? Is it better to double or nothing?

8 Replies

This might sound really random lol, but I just had a brain bleep and I can't honestly remember if I took my antidepressant or not. The pill box is open, and I know I intended to take one with dinner but i got distracted stirring the sauce and now I have no idea if I took it or not!

Is it worse to take a double dose, or miss a dose. It's 20mg of prozac.. PLEASE HELP!

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8 Replies
juJu43 profile image

hi littletravller don't Take if your not sure, just take one tomorrow at your usual time ☺ and don't Worry about just missing. One you be fine. Julie☺

in reply to juJu43

Thanks so much, I appreciate it Julie :) I was freaking out there for a minute. What an airhead! That's the last time I zone out cooking. :P

grace111 profile image

DEFINITELY dont take another one if you cant remember as you will be buzzing all over the place. wait until your next dose. this happens to me frequently even although i have a pad and pen to keep a record. something always distracts me. what i really need to get is a daily medicine box and keep it stocked up. love grace xoxoxo

in reply to grace111

Thanks Grace, I am just going to cut my losses and take it again tomorrow. I should probably count my pills that way I would know if I took one or not. Glad to know I'm not the only one who has done that!

Hi missing one won't do you any harm, I quite often do that. It is still in your system. Just remember to take it tomorrow. x

Thanks coughalot2 for responding! I appreciate it, I didn't want to have to call my doctor and seem like a dough head.

Wintersbite profile image

Hi, I've been told by Dr's and consultants it's always safer to miss a dose than to risk taking it if you can't remember I have been doing this with my epilepsy meds since I was old enough to take them myself but I count the strip and tell someone that I've taken them it's not always possible to tell someone but it can help.

Hope this helps

Lindyyy_x profile image

Hi there!

Don't worry, you're not the only one that this happens to. I used to do this all the time and drive myself to the point where I thought I was going crazy because I just genuinely could not remember if I'd taken them or not 😂

It's definitely always recommended to miss a dose if you're not 100% sure and to continue taking as normal the following day. Something that has really helped me is a pill box I picked up in a pharmacy. It sounds silly, but it has parts for what day you need to take your dose, and also for if it's morning, noon, evening or bed time. All you need to do is keep it stocked up!

Hope this helps! 😄


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