My partner had a benign brain tumour removed last September. He was diagnosed a week before his op so it all happened very quickly. The tumour was successfully removed but he has been left disabled due to nerve damage in his right hand and foot. He had been recovering well and making the best of things but about 2 months ago he started to lose interest in everything. I managed to convince him to go to his GP, and he has an psychiatric appointment and the beginning of June. The GP has diagnosed depression and anxiety.
He will not talk to me about how he's feeling and if I try to question him he swears and shouts at me. He won't leave the house (occasionally I can convince him but it usually causes an argument). He won't do anything except sit in the living room and watch TV, he won't eat unless I prompt him. I can't even so much as hug him as he flinches if I touch him, and we can't have visitors as he doesn't want anyone in the house. I do appreciate that these are all symptoms of his illness and I am trying my best to be patient and understanding - but my biggest concern is that he has told me he wants to move out and live by himself. I don't know what to do - is this likely to be the depression talking so should I convince him to stay? Or should I just let him go? To be honest I don't know if he even has the motivation to move out!! It is starting to affect my mental health now aswell and I am going to my GP to see if I can get referred for counselling as I won't be able to support him if my own mental health is crumbling.
What I am looking for, is advice from carers and sufferers - I guess confirmation that we are not alone! How best can I support him if I can't interact with him? And as for him wanting to move out, I know that none of us can know what he's thinking, but is this possibly just part of the illness? If you're a sufferer have you felt like that before? Did you go through with it? If you're a carer, what would you do? Sit back and let him make up his own mind or would you coax him to stay until he feelas a bit better? I guess I'm scared he won't cope alone, but I don't suppose he's my prblem any more, if he moves out.
Thanks for any advice or reassurance that anyone can give me!