Went to the doctors yesterday and fel... - Mental Health Sup...

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Went to the doctors yesterday and felt awful when I left.

raymond47 profile image
13 Replies

I had gone because I can't shake off this cough and doctor give me prescription for antibiotics, but she commented on the amount of MH meds I'm on and asked if I was being seen in a clinic. I felt as though she was judging me and finding me wanting. She wasn't the doctor I had booked with and they never told me my appointment had been switched. This is the second time now that doctors have commented on my MH meds and it has made me feel very uncomfortable.

She wasn't even asking if I was okay. I just felt as though I was being criticised. I asked for a blood test form to check my vitamin D and I felt I was being told off for stopping my vitamin d tablets.

The whole thing upset me and puts me off going back to the doctors surgery.

Maybe I am being super sensitive,but wonder if others have felt they are regarded as a 'nutter' first rather than being looked at as a blank canvas.

Just needed to get this off my chest as it has worried me and occupied my thoughts since my visit.

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raymond47 profile image
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13 Replies
Gambit62 profile image

Sorry that the whole thing left you feeling so alienated. It's really difficult when you don't get continuity of care. I'm not sure that GPs have time to read through notes properly and get a real insight into people's history and that doesn't help because it means you do end up answering the same questions all the time.

Hope you feel better for offloading

Stilltrying_ profile image

Yes I have experienced this. When I first started experiencing the physical problems I also have I was not taken seriously at all; in fact the nurse refused to let me see the doctor when I went about very bad neck pain ; she said "just take a look at the computer screen in front of me; I can see you've been seen for migraines and mental health problems. It is most probably just a crick in the neck even though you feel it is real ". I was in severe pain and felt completely criticised and dismissed by this comment, as well as the fact that I was sent home without seeing the doctor about it as she believed it was all in my head !

It has been a real struggle getting people to accept that there is also, and separately, physical things actually the matter with me! Sometimes I came out feeling almost entirely demolished mentally by their attitude.

Regarding your meds I can understand how it has affected your mood negatively by the doctor having such an unsympathetic attitude. A little bit of kindness on their part would be good medicine for us! :)

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Stilltrying_

That was awful of the nurse to do that, Very annoying type , do they

Think we have lost our faculties and don't know when we are ill.

A little bit of kindness and compassion goes a long way.

In Ireland we don't have NHS and I have to pay for each

Dr visit and all my Meds. So maybe they feel your paying

And don't say anything.


Photogeek profile image

Sorry to hear about that episode at Drs. I can relate to how you feel criticised.

I have never had that happen to me, unless she meant it in a helpful

Way,! As in your medication might need a review. It was very insensitive,

Anyway what have those cough Meds to do with other Meds.

Try and just let it go but don't feel bad, of course we all would prefer to be

Med free, I would ask what her name is and tell the receptionist you didn't

Find her comments helpful at all and you don't want her to see you again

Drs. Should treat patients with respect and tact.

Get well soon from your cough etc



When we have mental health problems GP s generally like to make sure you are not taking to many medications, it is all to do with time and the doses taken, sometimes it becomes advisable to reduce these medications after a stipulated time as they can cause severe contraindications. Not knowing you I do not know what you are taking and how long each one has been taken, they like to try and work you onto a minimal dose that keeps you stable. They also prefer to only give these pills for several months at a time as they can form a crutch that you become used to.

Also no one is a blank canvas, can you say honestly that life leaves you with scars and expectations, even a young child after a few days has information going through the brain as they see their mothers face, and they will look for that to be fed and looked after. I would be a wonderful thing if we all could get rid of the baggage we carry around every five years or so. we could start again with a credible clean slate.

Mental health consists of feeling people do not care, you have this site where you can come for a chat and support.

Gp and CPN are possibly there to help you, one of the main things with health workers is not to judge only to treat, they also agree to do no harm. The Hypocratic Oath is never now signed,

Believe me She would not be finding you lacking if anything, more worried about your mental health would most probably be the way. One thing we all need to understand is every time we go to see the GP we do not always need a prescription, sometimes they become concerned and they may take medications of you instead, this is possibly for your benefit.

Do not worry, mind when I go sometimes I forget what I have gone for, that I suppose must make me a right nutter

All the best DO NOT WORRY, keep a hold


anbuma profile image

I have ahd a cough (tho only at night when i lie down)and dr wouldn't take me seriously cos said chest was fine and I still ahve it now.i feel doctors (from experience after reading about it)treat patients fro a mental health problem when it is thyroid related .mine set me up with a counsellor when its because doctors are dismissing their patients symptoms that im stressed and only got a letter thru a week before the appointment after waiting months .it is no good seeing someone months down the line-you want someone to talk to at the time so I didnt go

My GP and I get on well and when I needed some sleeping tabs he teased me for making him do work, because he had to check which ones wouldn't interact with the venlafaxine.

If it had been another doc I might have been insulted or upset. I just replied "what, you don't have a med student with you for once to do your research?" He slapped his forehead dramatically and said "Damn, didn't think of that!"

Regarding the Vitamin D, how much are you taking and what form? I can tell you that if you are in an at risk group I would rather you took the Vit D than not (but getting that message out to GPs has been hell)

raymond47 profile image
raymond47 in reply to

When I was admitted to hospital they tested my vitamin D and found I had severe deficiency. Was prescribed Adcal and took for six months but doctor was vague as to whether I needed maintenance dose, so as it had been about six months since I stopped taking I thought I would ask.

in reply to raymond47

Just about everyone in the UK who is either dark skinned and/or does not go outside for 90 min most days of summer is at risk of deficiency. I take the boots vitamin d2 tabs for the time the clocks are on GMT. The Adcal will not have boosted your stores and likely you will be deficient again - got any bone pain?

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Helen thanks for that info about Vit D.i am frustrated at moment as I keep getting chest infections. I never smoked

And just don't know how to improve On antibiotics again

And Ventolin. Sorry for moan.

You are always so sensible and to the point. So thank you.

Hannah. X

in reply to Photogeek

Has the GP checked your peak respiratory flow- because although ventolin opens the airways it doesn't reduce inflammation like inhaled steroids do.

If I get a cold I do 8 puffs a day of steroid (2x4 daily), 5 minutes after a single puff of ventolin. That reduces my need for ABs and oral steroids from every cold to every third cold. I also use a spacer to make sure my inhaler technique is good

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Yes Helen he put me on steroid inhaler too

And I am beginning to feel better. Thanks

For that . I'm quite a healthy person , but

In last few yrs. get a lot of these.

Thanks again Helen and look after yourself too.


raymond47 profile image
raymond47 in reply to

Yes in my legs, I also get pins and needles and numbness which develops into pain up to my knee. When I took the vit d this cleared up completely, but has started to come back.

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