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Contraception posts

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mini pill

Sorry TMI! I have taken the mini pill for many years. I have previously had br...
Sunflower147 profile image

really really abnormal periods

my entire life, my periods have been normal. Ever since I was like 14 I have bee...
letthelightin profile image

Switching from Cerazette to Evra patch

Hi everyone ☺️ I was on Cerazette pill for around a year, but decided to come ...
PinkBiscuit profile image
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combined pill and no period

I take combined pill and take the 7day break. This month I have not had a period...
User56 profile image

how do I stop bleeding on the mini pill

I’m on the mini pill and I keep on bleeding what should I do. I wnat to have se...
Karinaemss profile image

Contraception- copper coil

Okay ive had a copper coil fitted 5 days ago and the pain has been really bad to...
Yasblue profile image

Mirena Coil and Bowel/Abdomen Pain

Hi. I had the Mirena Coil fitted on March 18th. Since then I have been on anti...
ljm177 profile image

Is it safe for me to take the pill?

Hiya. I have PCOS and I have taken the pill before but stopped and now I have pu...

2X Mini Pills a day

Im going to keep this as brief as I can.. Was on 1x mini pill for 14ish years. ...
Emma205 profile image

Can I continuously take the combined pill?

Hello, I have been on the combined pill (microgynon) for almost 3 years now and...
Candyfloss17 profile image

Query about the combined pill

Just looking for some advice. I've been on the pill for about three years now (...
apricotdream profile image

Contraceptive issue

I am on the mini pill and have had really heavy bleeding every other week. I pre...
Jewell99 profile image

All of a sudden, a menstrual cycle after 10 years?

So I've been on the Mirena for about 6 years (had a new one put in last year) an...
Esorgem profile image

Coil Removal due to Mental Health

Hi I’m turning to here because I feel like I have nowhere else to go I’m 20 with...
flowerygirl profile image

Will I get pregnant?

Hello! I started using pill at the 1st day of my cycle and I missed my pill on d...

Coil Kyleena

I had my Kyleena coil removed on Tuesday when does the progesterone leave the bo...
Keishababyy profile image

Bleeding heavily whilst on the pill.

I’ve been on the pill for 8 months straight, take it everyday at 9pm, but I have...
Maemoox profile image

My GP has recommended taking progestogen-only pills to stop constant bleeding caused by progestogen-only implant - how will this help?

Hi everyone, I'm new here and just looking an explanation about something I'm co...

Is it normal to bleed (get period like symptoms) after stopping with combination pills?

I stopped taking the combination pills 4 days ago. And today I noticed some cram...
grammpyBlu profile image

Changing my contraception

I used to take the microgynon combination pill and was on that for a year and a ...
Kmuggridge profile image

Copper Coil

I had the copper coil IUD fitted a few days ago and ever since I’ve had a bad sm...
GGLes26 profile image

Female problems- HELP! Contraception or medical issue? Can anyone relate?!

Hi all, I’m new to this so bare with me...And it’s a long winded and very person...

Am I pregnant?!?!???

i missed taking the pill Saturday morning started ovulating Sunday morning seen ...
Mixii profile image

Rigevidon and IBS

Hi! I've been using the combined pill Rigevidon for 1 year however, since being ...
kkbods profile image

I’m having 2 periods a month (1 period approximately every 20 days) and bleeding for 10+ days each time

It’s as it says above. This has been happening since I was 16 and came off the i...
Medics24 profile image

Is it normal for my period to last longer after starting the pill?

I started the combined pill on the first day of my period (21 pills then 7 days ...
alaillama profile image

Implant bleeding

I have had the contraceptive implant now for around six months, and I’ve being h...
Jess_Blank profile image

Desogestrel, progestogen only pill

Hi! looking for some advice, currently been taking the “no break” contraceptive ...
Meganlrxx profile image

Personalised contraception - How to know which one to start?

We are a team of postgraduate students at Imperial Business School, in London. W...

Lost threads with Mirena Coil

Hey, hoping someone can put my mind at ease! I had a Mirena Coil fitted 3rd Jan ...
CP96 profile image
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