So I’ve been taking Microgynon since July 2023 and after 6 months I noticed I was getting rather bad migraines and I was told that I could take three packs back to back and have a four day break instead , which I have been doing but in the past 6 months on both my four day breaks I’ve experienced extreme migraines .
Been to the doctors this morning and the nurse told me it’s not advised to do it that way, yet the NHS Oxford leaflets online say you can!
I explained that I used to take the pill 21 days then have a bad migraine, then Boots online advised to take the pill 3 packs back to back and have a 4 days break and in the last two 4 day breaks I’ve had massive migraines and heavy blood loss!
I asked for advice on whether I could take the packs and have no breaks etc! I was told to continue with the pack I’m doing now and at the end of it have a 7 day break and see how my migraines are. (Yet I told her I suffer with migraines hence the 3 strips and 4 day break!) she’s told me to continue with the strip and have my 7 day break , then see how the migraines go and if still have them, to then book an appointment to see the GP, who will then prescribe me another pill as she can’t do it unless it was the like the implant or injection.
I explained about my job role how I find it hard to get appointments as I work 12hr shifts 8-8pm and I struggle to get appointments on my days off etc.
I’m sat at a loss, because I’m dreading the migraines that are due to land on me in 2 weeks time and I’d rather just change to another pill or continuously take the current one.
I'm heading back to the doctors now to pick up a repeat prescription that my GP had already prescribed three days ago!
Im wondering if I could have a chat with the pharmacist in private, if it’s possible!
Has anyone experienced this????