I'm on 75mg Venlafaxine for a month now and I want to share something. I am an alcoholic also, I drink 0.5l of vodka almost everyday. After 2 weeks of taking the meds I noticed that I'm feeling euphoric. It was becoming stronger everyday. Lately it got really strong. I feel high. I have a very excessive thought flow and I'm enjoying it. I also see the beauty around me, laughing a lot. I enjoy working, reading, eating, I enjoy everything. And I also don't crave alcohol as much.
So two days ago I decided to not drink as I've obviously been wanting to quit for a long time. I woke up yesterday and at first the euphoria was still with me. But then during the day it wore off. It was gone. No excessive thoughts, no joy, I'm irritated, I'm basically the same I was prior to starting meds. I got so upset. Because I got upset I wanted to drink so I drank. This morning I woke up and the euphoria is back. WTF???
Could that be the combination of Venlafaxine and alcohol withdrawal? I would really appreciate some opinions and I would be over the moon happy if somebody could share a similar experience. I'm VenlaAlco high right now so I'm extremely curious to find out the reason. Thanks a lot.