So back in January I had protected sex for the first time with my partner. But we used quite a lot of lubricant and also I had my periods at that time.
After a week I got cottage cheese like discharge which was too severe and I visited my Gynacologist who also said that it’s a yeast infection (severe) and put me up on a pressery. The symptoms got better but after my periods I got it again.
I went to another Gynacologist for consultation and she took my swab test, (but it wasn’t for STI) it was just for yeast infection, BV and trichomonasis. She put me up on pressery and for 2 months everything was gone, it really worked well for me.
My school pants are too tight and collects moisture, after circuit breaker/ lockdown I stared going to school and got my infection back. It had thin white discharge, itching around my vagina. The doctor adviced me to take a test for STI but I’m too scared as after January I never had sex and never had unprotected one. So I asked doctor to put me on same pressery that made me feel better for 2 months, now I’m on it and taking it since last 3 days and feeling better. What should
I do? Should I go for the test? Or should I wait for a few more time??