I have been struggling with crushing anxiety, insomnia, depression for a few months. It's unlike anything I have ever experienced. I started HRT last week, and am hoping for a little easing of symptoms soon! Just curious about other women's experiences. Please share!
HRT question: how long did it take to feel ... - Women's Health
HRT question: how long did it take to feel the effects?
🤔There’s no set time..to notice an improvement/lessening of frustrating symptoms..it can depend on the individual.
How long HRT takes to work
It usually takes a few weeks before you feel the benefits of HRT. It can take up to 3 months to feel the full effects. If you have not felt the benefit of HRT after 4 to 6 months, it may help to try a different type.
How soon will I feel better?
Some women notice a difference within a few days, but for the majority it is a slow and steady improvement over weeks and months. You may notice physical symptoms get better first, for example, at the correct dose of estrogen, hot flushes and night sweats are often much better after 4-6 weeks. However psychological symptoms, such as low mood or anxiety, can take a few more months to improve. It is important to take the HRT medication as explained for at least 3-6 months before deciding whether it is benefitting you or not.
Do you have trouble sleeping due to feeling low or anxious? It might be worth talking to your GP about taking a low dose antidepressant at night. I took amitriptyline 10mg which helped, but I am talking about 20yrs ago so there may be better ones. I took HRT for 9 yrs and had few or no hot flushes and worked a 10hr day no problem! Good luck Think positive. Live in the positive moment as much as possible
It will take some time to get the full effects. probably 4 weeks may be 2 mths. try to live in 5min time line and keep to a routine if you possibly can. Keep going! Good luck We have to learn to let go as we get older. Not easy!!!