I have surgery for an ovarian cyst scheduled next week. It's 11cm+ in diameter.
I have had an ultrasound, MRI, blood tests and four doctors have said it's benign, so I'm not toooooo worried.
The surgeon has said he will do keyhole surgery, 3 small cuts for scalpel/scissors, pincer thingies and camera. If all looks ok, he'll drain it and remove it through a small hole, if he sees anything he doesn't like he'll do a big cut and remove it whole.
I'm not *really* worried about the surgery itself, but has anyone got any experience with ovarian cyst surgery? What is the recovery time? I am a single parent of 3, and while I have someone that can help from time to time, the doctor offered to sign me off work for 10 days - will I need 10 days? How long before I can do sport again (if anyone knows)?
I will of course discuss with my doctor, but I'm just looking for info from people that have been through this.