My first period i had was at year old learning disability girl that had my first period at age 11 year of age My period was always were irregular and wasn't heavy in high school . I went into college it was even more irregular and was very heavy period blood . went to doctored just done a blood test and said you find . now that i job . is even get even more worst . having more cramps . the heavy bleeding went through the pads and kept changing the Pads and sometimes they were leaking . then went back to same doctor and they give I tranexamic acid and that just made my period even more heavy . then went to a new women doctor and they put on low dosage birth control pill and I stop taking the tranexamic acid . I ask my granny about her issue with her period since and she had very similar experience when Granny was younger . my mum didn't it and my older sister did have sometime irregular. I am smaller then the avenge women and was skinny . the birth control pill did help with my issue and help with my breast to grow a bit more
Why do I get very confused that before that... - Women's Health
Why do I get very confused that before that got on birth control pill for trying to regular my Period?

🙂You need specific advice from your own GP about this, it would give you peace of mind.
Not everybody has exactly the same experiences with periods, and it’s acknowledged that some actually do struggle coping with symptoms. Your own doctor knows you best and has records of your health issues, make an appointment and discuss your concerns 🙂
I already tried the doctor they didn't even help .they seem to more pissed off .that kept going to doctor . yes this from UK . only my granny did help a bit .

Do you take anyone along to your appointments with you? Sometimes doctors behave a little better if you have a witness in the room with you. It would help if maybe your gran could go with, as she seems to understand your problem, and will be able to back you up if she feels your doctor doesn't quite believe you.
I went with my mum with went to two different doctors . was different treatment . they didn't any type any relate to a syndrome,
Hormonal women’s problems ARE diet related. I suggest that you find a qualified Nutritionist and take advice. This way you can get your hormones sorted out without putting chemicals into your body. See… she’s