I am on the birth control to regular my period and did have very heavy period before . I always seem to be struggling with some extreme PMs know that I am on the BC pill. I went to different doctor before that i went BC Pill . one just did blood test . next same doctor put I on tranexamic acid and just made my period even more worst . I was missing lot of my job and my job was a not very good . staff noticed that I was hormonal and tried get see a doctor . My second doctor did put on Birth control pill . I stop taking tranexamic acid. My age when I did start with my first period was 11 year old and is normal . the Birth control did help and the brand is Rigevidon . the both doctor were both women
Why can always find issue with having extre... - Women's Health
Why can always find issue with having extreme PMS on birth control pill

🤔 There are several causes, and treatments, for very heavy periods. It is possible you should have a referral from your doctor, to a Gynaecologist.
There are various treatment options for heavy periods. These depend on what is causing your heavy periods, your general health and your preferences.
They include:
an intrauterine system (IUS) – a small device that contains the hormone progestogen is inserted in your womb by a medical professional (often the first treatment offered)
medicines without hormones – such as tranexamic acid or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
medicines with hormones – such as the combined oral contraceptive pill or progestogen tablets
endometrial ablation – a procedure to remove the lining of the womb
myomectomy – surgery to remove fibroids
uterine artery embolisation – a procedure to shrink fibroids
hysterectomy – surgery to remove to the womb
Copied from nhs.uk
the second doctor only put on birth control Pill and that was last . both female doctors
Have heard about endometriosis or adenomyosis?
it heard that from google

It took me 15 years but I finally got diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis after years of suffering with terrible pms. Nothing ever showed on any scan or xray but when I had surgery they found endo everywhere ! I hope u find answers and relief !
Hi CoolKat.Have you tried ….she’s thriving.com?
A lady there who’s a Nutritionist and associate Naturopath. She specialises in hormonal problems and fertility etc. Worth researching.