Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with fibroids a few years ago advised to have the Merina coil fitted. This worked for almost 2 years until I started experiencing very heavy bleeding again. Had a scan that showed the fibroids had grown and that new ones had appeared and that one had pushed the coil out of place so I had a new one out in. Currently on my 2nd injection of zoladex. So far no real side effects but still continued to bleed and very heavy some days. My understanding is the fibroids usually grow back to their origami size within a few months of stopping treatment so I’m unsure why I’m having the treatment if that’s the case. Any of you ladies had experience with life and fibroids after zoladex?
Zoladex: Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with... - Women's Health

Hi, I had 3 Zoladex injections from local GP surgery to shrink fibroid in fear wall of uterus, prior to private 2 x MRI guided Ultrasound treatment in St. Mary's Paddington in 2006 this 'killed' the active fibroid and saved me having a hysterectomy and complete my degree and care for aging parents. The Zoladex gave me night sweats, but not too much else. Joint aches came from statins, I'm now on Ezemetibe which suppresses bad cholesterol uptake and seems to be working without bad side affects. Good wishes on finding your solution.
Thank you for your reply. My consultant said if the zoladex treatment doesn’t work then it will be a hysterectomy. Just concerned that the fibroids will grow back and I’m just putting it the inevitable.
Yes, I did get to a point when I considered it, but then the menopause kicked in. Also I was found to have borderline low thyroid levels and I have seen studies on the Thyroid Foundation website that links what they call sun-clinical Hypothyroidism and miscarriages. One GP had noted the low thyroid and not taken it further whilst another said it can cause various problems. And that diagnosis changed my life but it took a few months, at first I expected instant relief from highly health problems and stopped taking the tablets, but after a couple of months I started feeling so much better and have not looked back, so now I'm 62, no hysterectomy, my mum's was at 59 and I'm pretty fit.
I had three Zoladex treatments to shrink a very large fibroid prior to hysterectomy.
Had a few symptoms from them like hot flushes, but nothing too bad.
It was just wonderful to get my life back without having to plan everything around nightmare periods that were so heavy it was like haemorrhaging and very painful.
Hi there, I had fibroid during and after pregnancy, gp wasn't really bothered. Had really heavy periods in my 30s but we were trying for a second child so didn't do anything about it. Eventually in my 40s when not trying anymore I had an abdominal hernia and the specialist said my womb was large so gp did scan and found fibroid was 12cmsx11cms. Had a couple of small ones also. Had to have 3 zoladex injections before hysterectomy which was the only way to guarantee no more grew. I could have had a myomectomy to remove them but likely to grow back. The Zoladex didn't gave many symptoms but also didn't work on mine enough (only 1 cm smaller), so had to have abdominal hysterectomy rather than keyhole as too large. Definitely worth pursuing treatment while they aren't as big x
Thank you for your reply. My biggest fibroid is around 8cm and a few other smaller ones. I’m just concerned of them growing back and be in the same position in 6 months. The bleeding is horrendous and now having to take iron tablets. My consultant is hoping the menopause will sort it but I’m 49 and have No symptoms of it yet so still could be a few years away.
I'm 43, which was the main reason they could have time to grow back. Hopefully if they can shrink yours with zoladex it will tide you over and as you say, in menopause they should shrink x
Just a tip with the zoladex, I bought Emla numbing cream (about £4 from Boots) and then they used the cold spray and I literally felt nothing. You have to apply it where your injection is going and cover it an hour before. The nurse then wipes off the cream and injects you there. Hope that helps x
Hi there was interested in your post , was your hernia caused by the fibroids ? I have fibroids and wondered if I have hernia too , what were your symptoms please ? X

Its possible as they said I had other smaller hernias forming around my large womb. Having said that, I am overweight and carry weight on my middle so that was probably a factor too. Symptom was a sharp pain when lifting the xmas turkey from the oven (!) followed by pulled muscle like feeling around my belly button.
My belly button had a hard lump in it and when I coughed touching it, it protruded. They operated as thought it was larger inside, only to realise my womb was high up like a 16 wk pregnancy.
All fine now, kept my ovaries although they are polycystic they seem to be working OK x No ongoing issues now and no heavy periods to dread x
Took 2 years of badgering doctors to refer me kept saying it’s pulled muscle never been examined once !! X it really does my head in this pulling sensation I also have large stomach , have had 4 children lol x