Hi all. I am a 39 year old female. Who has been suffering from tiredness and fatigue for a long time. I suffer fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue syndrome. Insomnia. And restless leg syndrome.
I recently saw my GP as regards my problems with sleep and RLS. Who took a full blood test to check for deficiencies.
Results showed I have anaemia- very low on haemoglobin. About 8.7. I think. And very deficient in Vitamin D. About 6.6.
Dr asked me about my menstrual cycles. I told her I have very heavy periods. I have been on mefenamic acid since 2007 for this problem. My periods were very irregular until 2 years ago. Very heavy. So was changing myself half hourly. I get horrible cramps when menstruating. And pmt. Mefenamic Acid helps dry up the flow of blood and with period pain. So now cycle lasts about 3 to 4 days only. Due to mefenamic acid tablets.
GP thinks anaemia been caused by heavy menstrual cycles. Carried out an examination below. And of my stomach on the bed. Said nothing sinister appears to be going on. Which is good. And don't need referral therefore to a gynocolgist.
GP asked me to think about having a coil fitted as would stop me having periods altogether. Would need new coil fitted every 5 years. And would no longer require iron tablets and mefenamic acid. Not sure if would still need vitamin d supplements. Not sure what to do. Please can anyone advise?? I don't particularly fancy having coil fitted. Not nice procedure. And want to leave things open Incase a baby ever comes along. Partner is much older than me so not sure if will ever happen. Also not sure if any risks or side effects. From coil fitting. Should I go back to GP and ask for referral to gynocolgy if possible to explore why I have heavy Periods? Or should I go for coil? Or carry on iron tablets and mefenamic acid.
Someone suggested I should ask to see gynocolgist first if GP will refer me. To find out what causes my heavy periods. Such as polyps or fibroids. Dont want GP to think i am making a fuss.
Has anyone else experienced anaemia and heavy periods? Please advise.
From Sarah