Lately I have been having issues with incontinence. I find that as soon as I need to pee I must go straight away as no matter how hard I try to hold it it just comes out. This is happening if I wake up in the night and during the day, I don't seem to have any control to hold it anymore. I am 39 and suspected ulcerative colitis and have had lower back issues for years i am due MRI scan soon as recently developed constant pins and needles in my upper back. I also get alot of pelvic stiffness pain and random pains in lower stomach like cystitis where sometimes I may feel like I really need to pee but only a little comes out then the urgency is straight back. I am going to see the GP soon about it all but just wondering if anyone has had anything similar and if so was it while still relatively young and in the late 30s ??
Any advice would be much appreciated 👍