It’s not been a long term issue but recently I’ve been getting cramping sensations in my lower stomach/pelvic area after sex? Is this something I should be concerned about?
Are cramps after sex normal?: It’s not been a... - Women's Health
Are cramps after sex normal?
🤔 Normally, cramping after sex isn’t a cause for concern. And often this pain can be alleviated with a little attention, whether it’s OTC medication or relaxation techniques.
However, if cramping after sex is totally disrupting your love life, or even your everyday life, you should promptly see a doctor. They’ll be able to tell you exactly what’s causing the pain you experience after intercourse.
If you begin experiencing cramping after sex, keep a journal of your symptoms that you can later show to your doctor. Be sure to make note of:
the severity of your cramps when they first started
the dates of your last two menstrual periods
the timing of your pregnancy, if applicable
information about any reproductive or sexual problems you’ve had
information about any medications or dietary supplements you take
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