My life has been hell on Cerazette - it’s amplified my depression and anxiety and my mental health has been a mess. Looking back, I can only describe the feelings I have had as impending doom all of the time time. I’ve been on it for around 4/5 months. The first 3 months were amazing, I had been saying this is the best pill I’ve been on. By the 4th month it started affecting me negatively and I’ve had nonstop bleeding/spotting for 4 weeks. I went to my gp and they have told me to double the dose (take 2 pills a day) as this should help my cycle and stop the way I have been feeling etc. Has anybody else had to double the dose of their pill? Has it worked? What side effects have you had if you have tried Cerazette? Please help because I don’t know what to do.
Cerazette: My life has been hell on Cerazette... - Women's Health

I'm afraid I don't have experience with taking 2 pills a day! I have been doing a lot of research into something called "post birth control syndrome" which is the process of our bodies getting back to normal after stopping the pill. From that, I've learned that the pill can lead to deficiencies in quite a few minerals, like zinc, magnesium etc. Deficiencies in those can make depression worse, so you might benefit from taking some supplements. Although it sounds weird, a pre-natal vitamin will have a lot of the things you will be losing from taking the pill.
It's worth reading more into it, and I can suggest some good podcasts of you like.
If you could please suggest some podcasts I’d appreciate it so much. I just don’t know what to do because I can feel myself slipping but the doctor didn’t seem to be that bothered. I just can’t understand how doubling the hormones that have been making my head a mess can make it better?
I thought this one was really good:
I think it can come across a bit anti-pill, but it's not meant to be, it's against using the pill for symptoms, instead of its intended purpose.
Do u get pain too Witt the bleeding
I do get back pain and stomach pain, but it is a lot more bearable compared to the agony I would be in when having my periods.
U still on th mini pill
I get bleeding every two weeks been on it 6 months now doc said give it longer for my body to adjust but thougtht ot would by now
I am still on the mini pill - currently taking two a day now as the doctor said to. I’ve been reading up on other people’s experiences, and they have bled for ages or they have random intervals of prolonged bleeding. My doctor has told me to take two pills a day now to hopefully stop the bleeding and also stop the way I’ve been feeling (extremely depressed and anxious all of the time) because she believes they are linked. Are you also on Cerazette or a different pill?
I’m on Desogestrel 75 think they the same my gynaecologist did mention to me about takin 2 but she never told my doctor this what taking 2 do
From what I have read up online, doctors prescribe a double dose of a pill if the person taking it is either overweight or to stop any bleeding. I am not overweight, but like I say, I have had bleeding for 4 weeks. I have been taking 2 of Cerazette since Thursday and I am currently still bleeding and I have noticed I have had a few clots, which I have not had in all the time I have been bleeding, so I am not keeping watch on that.
I can handle the blood it’s the cramps that come with it sometimes feels like I have a uti I’m not heavy bleeding just like the pain to stop she suggests I try coil and don’t think it’s endometriosis
What strength u on now
I do often get pain similar to uti too! The coil may work for you as it does not have any hormones in it that can affect your body. In my instance, the doctor said she doesn’t think I should have the coil due to my periods being so heavy - I usually last about 2 weeks and they are agonising and very very heavy (without going into too much detail.)
I am currently on. 75 micro grams of Cerazette, but I do take 2 now, so I am taking 150 micro grams of it.
I have a friend who bleeds heavy and can’t take the pill so went on the coil took her few months but she now has no bleeding and her gynaecologist said that was the best thing for heavy bleeding how long u been taking 2 tablets for
Is it breakthrough bleed u get or period I can never tell the difference
At this point I can’t tell the difference at all
Let me know how u get on I might double the dose see what my doctor says tomorrow I was thinking of giving up and stopping it cause it also gives me anxiety and depression makes me feel not right I’ve gone of sex I seem to be angry at people all the time where do u get your pains just when u bleed or all the time have they said to u could be endometriosis
I was going to give up with this pill too. Like I said, this past month on it has been hell - I’ve been having panic attacks, crying all the time, my depression and anxiety has amplified and I just felt scared all of the time. I will definitely let you know how I get on with taking the two. I have noticed I am not as emotional, but I do have my moments where I’ll have an outburst of emotions which are triggered by nothing. For me, my sex drive didn’t necessarily decrease - I would be in the mood for it, but struggled to actually get wet (sorry if that’s too much detail). When I bleed I am not always in pain, but if I am having a heavier bleed then I do tend to have back ache and stomach pains. I do get random times of nausea and stomach pain and gas. I have also noticed that my appetite has significantly decreased and food makes me want to be sick. The doctor hasn’t mentioned anything about endo however my mum did suffer with endo herself when she was young.
The wet bit 🙈 I get that too think the pill does that I really hope my pains is not endo I really don’t fancy a laparoscopy i here so many stories that it can come back and be worse and u get scar tissue so now all I wanna do is stop the pain and bleeding I be happy with that do u get a break from bleeding at all
I hope you don’t have endo either - it’s not a nice thing at all. I kinda get breaks from the bleeding. Yesterday for instance I didn’t bleed all day, but then I had sex with my boyfriend and I bled so much. He was so concerned for me because that is when we noticed some blood clots too. I bled heavy last night but today I’m barely bleeding, just when I go to the toilet.
Same I only get blood when I wipe and this time has lasted longer than 5 days now it’s brown blood feels strange like my uterus is gonna pop
After sex it is normally like full on blood if you get what I mean. But when I wipe it is usually just brown blood. So you have pain in your stomach and back? I recommend if you haven’t already maybe writing down every single side effect you have had - write down all of the feelings you have had and the pains you’ve been having for when you go to see your doctor.
I am currently keeping a diary of sorts to keep track on my emotions and body to see if it is getting any better or if there is any pattern.
Yes I have been doing that since day one i seem to just have a bleed every 2 weeks but it’s a pain cause I thought it would of stopped by now I have a mate she said hers took year to settle but has no bleeding now and that I should give it time yes pain lower down and around belly button feel bloated get nausea too
Also back pain sometimes and I find it hard to sleep always waking up early and can’t get back to sleep I must write it down as I have it in my phone notes and if I lost them I wouldn’t remember what each month was like
It’s good that you’ve been keeping track! And exactly, I’ve bleed for a month straight and it’s so horrible. I take this pill to not bleed and that’s all I seem to do! I have said to myself I am not going to wait a year for this to “settle.” No one wants to be bleeding all of the time or every two weeks!
I get pains in my belly button area too and the lower part of my belly. My back will ache and sometimes I find it hard to sleep! The other night I felt like I needed to go toilet and everytime I went, I couldn’t do anything because I didn’t actually need the toilet. I went to the toilet about 6 times with half an hour and nothing happened and I couldn’t sleep because of it. I had to have my hot water bottle on my stomach and back to try and ease the pain
That’s exactly how I was last night that what makes me think I had a uti but I tested my urine and was normal I don’t get it maybe cause bladder is near the utreaus do u get other toilet troubles I get consirpated a lot too
I normally am constipated - always have been. But lately I have been going to the toilet more often, sometimes everyday which is rare for me. I have to wee a lot. I always feel the need to wee and I always used to blame it on nerves, but since going on this pill I do wee a lot. It sometimes feels like there is pressure on my bladder.
Yes the same for me too maybe it is this pill but I can remember before I started the pill having uti Symptoms but docs keep saying I haven’t got one but I wasn’t on a bleed at all then so went on pill cause I thought these pains was pms and hormones but it’s slowed period down but I iused to be regular each month now every 2 weeks at first on this pill I used to bleed a lot at first then it calmed down but now it more often then before do u get bloated too
One of the reasons I am on this pill is because my periods were so irregular, painful and heavy. The first month of taking the pill, I had a usual period which my doctor said could happen as it’s getting into my system. The following two months, I didn’t bleed at all. Then the fourth month I was and am still bleeding.
It is strange that you bleed every two weeks and definitely needs mentioning. I do sometimes feel bloated. I have been getting a lot of gas lately too. I do have IBS and I think that attributes to me being bloated and having gas. Are you eating regularly? What’s your appetite like because mine has practically disappeared. I have had to force myself to eat because I know if I don’t I’ll get ill. Today is the first time in a month I have felt hungry.
I got ibs too I had a colonoscopy down to rule this pain out of anything and I had a cystoscopy down of the bladder cause I always have blood in pee that was normal too my ultrasounds came back normal too my smear not due till March I asked her to do another one but she wouldn’t said I’m not due yes I don’t have appetite too much I’ve lost so much wait cause of my anxiety I get gas too can be so embarrassing sometimes I’ve menitoned with doc and she says body still getting used to the pill
I just find it so weird that we have to wait for our bodies to still be getting used to this pill. Previous pills I’ve been on, my body has adjusted to them within the first 3 months. I’m not sure why this is so different.
Update - last night was the first time I have had sex in a month and there was no blood! Woke up this morning and went toilet - still no blood! I’m not sure if the double dose is maybe working?? I’m going to have to keep an eye on it.
That’s good news keep me updated I went docs today as was up all night in pain with uti symptoms and I got a uti infection well a trace of one doc said hopefully this pain eases soon worse than period pains
How has it made u feel so far any different
At least now you know you have a UTI and hopefully the pain will ease. Today I’ve felt really good - no bleeding and mentally I feel good. I feel like myself again. I’m just hoping it stays like this. The double dose seems to be working, but I am keeping a track on my body and feelings to see if there are any changes or patterns. X
That’s good let’s hope it stops your bleeding I mentioned it to my doc she said never heard of taking two tablets so she wrote to my gynaecologist and asked if I should try that was it your doc that told u to take two
Yes it was my doctor who said to take 2. She said that 1 pill a day can prevent me from getting pregnant, but 2 will sort my cycle out and stop my bleeding and hopefully reduce my depression and anxiety
How’s it going u got any more bleeding x
Hey there - still no bleeding! I’m feeling good too, today especially I feel like myself again. Just hoping it stays this way x
That’s great i asked my doctor if I can double my dose and she said gynaecologist will only do that for large people lol what is that all about
I researched it and they normally do a double dose for people who are overweight because the pill is less effective if so. I am 5ft 1 and I weigh around 10 stone so I’m not overweight, but the double dose seems to be working and helping me!
I’m 5.3 and 9.8 stone lol some docs don’t know what they on about I think if it works then try it so I’m gonna ask to see another doctor
Yeah maybe seek out a second opinion - at the end of the day if they aren’t open to trying that out, and you can’t cope on this pill, you must try something else because you can’t go on in pain and bleeding every two weeks!
How’s your bleeding x
Haven’t bled for a week now! It’s brilliant x
And how u feeling do u feel better for it no more bleeding after sex x
I feel good - no bleeding after sex. And I feel better emotionally and mentally. I’m starting to feel like myself again x
Has it going still all good doc won’t let me take it twice says they only do that for large people I said I know someone who’s not large and she said well the doc is wrong to do that I said well if it stops pain and bleeding what does it hurt x
Still going good - still no bleeding or pain. My head is in a better place, I do keep having off days mentally but I have a lot going on in my life at the moment. But yeah everything is still good. Strange that my doctor has put me on double the dose but yours won’t. Are you still in pain and bleeding?
No pain and bleeding at moment but hope it don’t come back in week time as it’s been every 10-14 days I bleed again
It’s so strange! It’s not right that they haven’t taken your feelings into account, in regards to maybe switching up your pill or something because you don’t want to be bleeding or in pain all of the time x
I’m seeing my gynaecologist in November so I speak to her about it x
So I’ve been having some bad mental health days again, and I’ve been having panic attacks and feeling the way I was before just not as frequent I suppose. I called my mum while I was at work crying and she then made me a doctors appointment for tomorrow so I guess we will discuss what I should do. If they think it’s my pill or if I need antidepressants
Ask if this pill can cause panic attacks I seem to get like it too do u feel like out of no where your heart is beating faster I try to relax I feel so depressed at times don’t know if it’s me or this pill hope u feel ok soon has the bleeding started x
The bleeding hasn’t started again. But yeah at times my anxiety just becomes so overwhelming I can’t take it and don’t know how to deal with it.
Does your just start for no reason or do u think things then it starts your anxiety x
Both can happen. Most of the time it starts for no reason and then I sometimes then think of things that start it. Or if I’m already stressed out, then it will happen too. I have a doctors appointment today and I guess we will see what happens - if they take me off the pill or another alternative
How long u been on the pill for I’m getting referred for my anxiety to a cbt place try talk about my anxiety don’t know if it help me or not I didn’t really wanna go down the tablets route x
I’ve been on this pill for around 5/6 months now. I don’t really want to have medication either, but I guess we will have to see what the doctor says
Yea let me know what he says cause I feel horrible on this pill if it is the pill
What did doc say x
Hey there, so they’ve kept me on my double dose of the pill and they’ve given me a 4 weeks supply of a tablet called Sertraline which should help with my anxiety, depression and panic attacks. I guess we just see how these work.
Be careful with them they got a lot of side affects and my mate said made her feel a lot worse everyone is different though they tried give me them but I went to councillor instead of medication first as they hard to getvof once on them let me know how good they are for u x
Thankyou - I’m just going to see how it goes. My mum has been on this antidepressant before and it worked for her but like you say, everyone is different. If I don’t feel any better then I will just take myself off Cerazette. I’ll let you know how I go on xx
How’s it going how u feeling x
Hi lovely, been quite rough recently but that’s due to my antidepressants. Still taking the double dose and my body is acting all fine. How are you?
Not too bad thanks hope your antidepressants work for u I’m waiting to se a cbt councillor see if that helps with my anxiety x
I hope it all goes well for you! Keep me updated if you would like x
How’s it going x
So sorry I haven’t replied in ages - hope you’re okay! I’m doing well still on the cerazette. I stopped taking sertraline because I felt like it was making me feel so much worse and the side effects were just affecting me too much xx
How’s the bleeding going still under control taking two tablets do u also find your boobs get sore mine started too more the left one
I have no bleeding at all now which is what I wanted. My boobs can get sore at times but it’s bearable. Are you now on two tablets a day? x
No still on one but my bleed not so bad and pain has eased off I see my gynaecologist soon discuss wether i should stay on theses as I feel so depressed on them
I felt so depressed on just the one pill which I’m sure you can remember. Along with panic attacks and extreme anxiety. But being on two I don’t have that as much now. It’s not a daily thing anymore x
I’ve just started having ache breasts more in left one strange never had it at the beginning
You know now you’ve said that, I’ve been having achy breasts. But I don’t know whether it is from the pill or because my IBS has really flared up and I’m suffering with a lot of trapped wind x
I get ibs too get comsirpated a lot so I’m on movical which helps and lot of foods give me wind but I can tell difference with boobs cause tender when I touch them
Just an update - still on my usual dose of 2 cerazette a day. And for the past 3 days I have been having spotting and back and stomach ache which feels like period pains? I’m not sure whether it is just a breakthrough bleed?
I saw my gynaecologist she said a breakthrough bleed is still a period cause comes from same place iv stopped the pill for a bit see if it makes me feel any diffence and if periods go back to normal if not I start got again it stopped my bleeding a lot but I always feel strange on it