Hello all! I have had thrush now for over two months - since the end of January. I have had three swabs in that time and all keep coming back with thrush. I get heavy discharge, itching, some swelling. I also get back pain and some bladder irritation but not sure that’s thrush.
After a month of the usual over the counter things (oral, pessary, cream) I’m now on long term oral fluzonazole treatment (one every 72 hours for three doses and then one weekly for 6 months). I’m about six weeks into this treatment and it’s had no impact on symptoms!! It’s driving me mad!
I’m taking probiotic tablets daily. I wear cotton underwear. I am having showers and not baths. I’m under a lot of stress, so I guess that’s not helping.
Has anyone ever been prescribed anything different to the above? I have another doctors appointment tomorrow but I don’t hold out much hope!
Oh and just to say, the thrush started after strong antibiotic use (one type for kidney infection which I didn’t have in the end, and two lots for a uterine infection which I also didn’t have in the end!)