Hello all, last year (Feb 2018) after losing my virginity I had gotten thrush and a UTI, the months following Feb - June (2018) I got thrush every month. In July I got put on a 6month course of fluconazole, this kept the problem away till June 2019. However, the thrush has now returned. What can I do, I am desperate!
Recurrent thrush : Hello all, last year (Feb... - Women's Health
Recurrent thrush

-Dont overwash
-Looser trousers & avoid leggings
-Cotton pants (not cheapos)
Unfortunately some women are just prone. Try Balance active used for bacterial vaginosis- its little tubes of gel that you can use once a week to help keep on top of it. Hope that helps!
Hey, yeah I seem to have done all those things for the last year minus the balance activ, could give that a go. Just scared this is alll systematic of a bigger health problem and that would just be covering it up rather than tackling the route cause.
Have you ever been swapped for bacterial vaginosis? Its very much like thrush, and even goes away after thrush treatment. It may be a reason it keeps returning.
If you are worried go to the GP and speak to the nurse. If you havent already, have a full sexual health check up too
Hey, yeah I have been checked but comes back as thrush every time - minus 1! Only been with my current partner and both been tested for everything and don't worry I'm in and out of the doctors all the time these days Thanks for the advice though!
Ive been where you are its awful. Try the Balance Activ, you can get it at the pharmacy. Good luck! X
Is this what helped you? May I ask how long you suffered and how often you use it? Thanks